Looking for travel or scientist blogs
November 1, 2011 10:42 AM   Subscribe

Looking for travel or hands on scientist blogs

Some of my favorite blogs are Spike Japan, which is about discovering unique places in Japan, and Scientist at Work, which is kind of like a field journal for scientists

I would love to read more blogs or websites like that: either living or traveling to unique locations, or writing about the work a scientist is doing.

posted by Cloud King to Travel & Transportation (2 answers total) 7 users marked this as a favorite
Try Ground Truth Trekking. Super cool back country travel blog.
posted by fshgrl at 12:36 PM on November 1, 2011

I like this science blog, particularly his section on "things I won't work with".
posted by pombe at 5:14 PM on November 1, 2011

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