Looking for a course's video...
October 28, 2011 11:47 AM   Subscribe

I'm looking for the name of a university course I once saw a video recording of the first 2 lectures but since forgotten almost everything about it except that I found it incredibly interesting.

There is a very famous, incredibly popular university course from one of the best universities in the US. My friend once told me about it (can't ask him at the moment). It's been going on for years and is always, apparently, oversubscribed at the university itself. It involves a lot of student participation and given by a man who is incredibly smart and is great at guiding the students though a discussion to a result rather than lecturing them on a result.

What is this course? A link, possibly?
posted by Timen to Education (8 answers total) 8 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: Harvard/Michael Sandel/Justice?
posted by frescaanddietcoke at 11:52 AM on October 28, 2011

Best answer: Michael Sandels Justice course at Harvard?
posted by villanelles at dawn at 11:52 AM on October 28, 2011

Wow. Needs more details. This could be a ton of things. I have seen many that I would say fit your description.

Justice course at Harvard taught by Sandels is good and may be what you are thinking of as it is popular.

Annenberg has a ton of these types of classes.

Berkley has some great courses available. Check out Searle.
posted by dios at 12:00 PM on October 28, 2011

This one from Yale is great

posted by costanza at 12:10 PM on October 28, 2011

sorry, the link didn't work. Here it is:
posted by costanza at 12:10 PM on October 28, 2011

The student participation thing reminded me of Walter Lewin's classical mechanics lectures at MIT, including his legendary shooting robert the monkey/motion of projectiles lecture.
posted by caek at 12:35 PM on October 28, 2011

Perhaps the late Randy Pausch? [previously]
posted by dhartung at 12:46 PM on October 28, 2011

Response by poster: It's justice, indeed! Thank you!
posted by Timen at 12:16 AM on October 29, 2011

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