More Beats in Space?
October 18, 2011 3:05 PM

I would like to listen to some new diverse music mix podcasts. Please advise.

I've been listening to the Beats In Space podcast for a couple of years now. B.I.S., in combination with the Optimo Espacio mixes, have provided me with hours of listening pleasure and led me to spend more than a few quid on Discogs. They've opened up lots of different types of music and uncovered a few hidden gems too. The diversity of both the guests and the records played is a key attraction and why I keep going back.

I am probably pushing it to expect anything near the quality/diversity of B.I.S. to be out there, but if you listen to this and like it, there is maybe something else you've got up your sleeve that you might like to share with me?


iTunes subscriptions would be nice but most definitely not necessary. All genres welcome.
posted by ClanvidHorse to Media & Arts (3 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
I can't tell from your examples whether this is more focused toward electronic music ... but my favorite music podcast evah is the Watt from Pedro show. And if you are looking for electronic, there is often a mini-show in the middle of the podcast called "Brother Matt's Spin Cycle" that covers exactly that. Cheers!
posted by Rube R. Nekker at 8:04 PM on October 18, 2011

Check out:

Fact Magazine Mixes
Resident Advisor
Bodytonic Podcasts

Most of these have an electronic bent like Beats in Space, but individual mixes can be quite eclectic.

You might also want to check out NPR's All Songs Considered podcasts.
posted by Leontine at 6:44 AM on October 19, 2011

One correct answer is WFMU, the freeform station of the nation. Podcasts are collected here. I would recommend checking out Liz Berg and DJ Rupture. If you're able to stream (rather than download and listen offline), any show on WFMU is available for listening at any time. There are truly freeform shows but also DJs dedicated to everything from old-time 78s to gothic metal, depending on your interests and inclinations. My favorites include Trouble, Ken Freedman, Rob Weisberg, Monica, and Lamin.
posted by Joey Bagels at 6:47 AM on October 19, 2011

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