I keep getting distracted from posting this by "Jersey's Best Dancers"
September 23, 2011 10:44 AM   Subscribe

What can I buy a lifetime subscription to?

I missed the boat on McSweeney's, and I've got one to 2600. What else can I get a lifetime subscription to?

I'm mostly interested in physical things that come to my house in the mail, but might consider something like an online single's club for music.

I'm not interested in Sirius, online games, a Tivo subscription, or anything else that requires a special client or player that I don't own. Not interested in Playboy, either
posted by These Premises Are Alarmed to Shopping (23 answers total) 19 users marked this as a favorite
I bought the lifetime access to Shazam. It works on most smart phones, which you may or may not own.

National Geographic has a lifetime membership option.
posted by jeffamaphone at 10:48 AM on September 23, 2011 [2 favorites]

See also.
posted by jeffamaphone at 10:50 AM on September 23, 2011

posted by AlexanderPetros at 10:51 AM on September 23, 2011

Haight Ashbury Literary Journal -- I think it costs about $50.
posted by maurreen at 10:54 AM on September 23, 2011

posted by villanelles at dawn at 10:55 AM on September 23, 2011 [2 favorites]

Lifetime members of the NRA ($1000.00) receive their choice of a subscription to American Rifleman, American Hunter, or America's 1st Freedom magazines.
posted by Jahaza at 10:59 AM on September 23, 2011

If you went to college your alumni association probably offers a lifetime membership which'll come with a monthly alumni magazine.
posted by Loto at 11:02 AM on September 23, 2011 [1 favorite]

Not a physical thing, but one of my friends has a lifetime membership to the Continental Club, so she will always be able to use their lounges in airports.
posted by cider at 11:23 AM on September 23, 2011 [1 favorite]

Life membership in Hadassah gets you a free monthly magazine for just 100 smackers.
posted by Mchelly at 11:33 AM on September 23, 2011

The Sun magazine. Website doesn't say so, but a lifetime subscription costs 1K according to my most recent copy.
posted by kirst27 at 11:42 AM on September 23, 2011 [2 favorites]

Weight Watchers
National Black Nurses Association (you might have to be black or a nurse)

These are from the first page of results of a google search on "lifetime membership"
posted by stupidsexyFlanders at 11:55 AM on September 23, 2011

Unless the program has changed significantly since I was a member, one cannot just buy a lifetime membership in Weight Watchers.
posted by heathergirl at 12:19 PM on September 23, 2011

Experimental Aircraft Association lifetime membership is $975. It comes with their very cool Sport Aviation magazine.
posted by exogenous at 12:27 PM on September 23, 2011

Not a magazine but many states offer lifetime hunting and/or fishing licenses that are potentially great investments.

Aside, you know the saying that there's no such thing as an ex-Marine. Pretty expensive entry fee though....
posted by RolandOfEld at 12:31 PM on September 23, 2011 [1 favorite]

Voice of Evangelism. 20 bucks, same as in town.
posted by drlith at 12:33 PM on September 23, 2011

I had been a normal subscriber for like 5 years first, so this might not be helpful (and it's kind of a shit magazine) but I have a lifetime subscription to Rolling Stone magazine. I was actually about to quit but was only like 50 bucks!
posted by saul wright at 12:54 PM on September 23, 2011

posted by softlord at 2:11 PM on September 23, 2011 [6 favorites]

Pie for Life.
posted by sarajane at 5:21 PM on September 23, 2011

Hostelling International
posted by cadge at 5:55 PM on September 23, 2011

Unfortunately you can no longer get a lifetime ticket for American Airlines flights
posted by spbmp at 8:03 PM on September 23, 2011

Rolling Stone
posted by HotPatatta at 8:32 PM on September 23, 2011

posted by dobbs at 8:53 PM on September 23, 2011

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