ISO Cable TV Show Locations in Nevada
September 19, 2011 1:05 PM   Subscribe

Las Vegas, NV area locations needed for cable television show about metal detecting and treasure hunting.

Anybody know any really cool old locations in the Vegas/Boulder City area, preferably not in Las Vegas-proper, where my crew and talent can come and film/metal detect?

Ideal locations would be privately owned so we don't have to go through any permitting hassles. Even an old, historic home that you or someone you know owns could work--our talent loves digging in people's yards to see what's been left behind by previous residents. Maybe an old abandoned homestead...a spring on your property that was a historic watering hole in the old days...stuff like that, or not--use your imagination. The key is 'places that people have been.' Where people have been, people have dropped stuff, thrown stuff away, etc.

Apart from that, I'm also looking for an excuse for our talent to be in that area--namely, someone or some organization who has lost something [metal] that they would like to recover. Lost your wedding ring while gardening? Complete set of gold dentures fall out of your head while drunkenly mud wrestling in the neighbor's pigsty? Did your great great grandfather bury his ill-begotten gains somewhere in the backyard of your ancestral home? Our talent will come to your [house/pigsty/ancestral home] and attempt to find your lost item free of charge!

MeFi Message me if you have any suggestions or want us to come find something for you.

Thanks, everyone!
posted by SixteenTons to Media & Arts (1 answer total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Margo Bartlett Pesek's newspaper column may provide you with some good leads, or for old mining sites, investigate UNLV Libraries' digital collection Southern Nevada: The Boomtown Years.
posted by zepheria at 4:38 PM on September 19, 2011

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