Help me make a popout music player with WordPress
July 30, 2011 9:31 AM   Subscribe

Wordpress help. I am using this theme with this music player. How do I make one of the links at the top (like Home, Categories, About, Contacts) popout a window properly sized for the player?
posted by fake to Computers & Internet (3 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Hardcode a link at the end of the WP-generated nav called Player or whatever and make sure the header includes the JS/foo for the pop-up window? I'm all about the path of least resistance so that's what I would do.
posted by DarlingBri at 9:41 AM on July 30, 2011

DarlingBri's got the right idea. Here's a code generator. It's pretty ancient, but it works.

Assuming that theme uses WP 3's menu feature and not some homebaked alternative, you'd go into Appearance: Menus. If you haven't already created a custom menu, you'll need to create it and use it as the theme's menu. Give one of the items the title "player" or whatever, and the code javascript:… (whatever the generator gives you
posted by adamrice at 9:46 AM on July 30, 2011

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