Too rainy for a jungle adventure?
July 17, 2011 11:31 PM   Subscribe

Costa Rica in September? I was planning to go to the Arenal Volcano and do jungle adventures on my honeymoon in September, but saw it was the rainy season. Anyone know how rainy it gets during that time? Any other areas to recommend that are less rainy but worth checking out for a romantic honeymoon? Thanks so much!
posted by tessalations999 to Travel & Transportation around Costa Rica (6 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
This thread at Fodor's indicates that rain is a daily occurrence during September, which is also what they told us when we were there back in January. At some point (Oct-Nov, IIRC), it's raining all day every day in some areas.
posted by jquinby at 6:09 AM on July 18, 2011

I went to Arenal in the rainy season. It was pretty crummy: enough rain to need a rain jacket all the time, treacherous walking on slippery mossy rocks, and visibility low enough that you couldn't even see the volcano, just cloud banks.
posted by smackfu at 6:38 AM on July 18, 2011

Even during 'dry' season it still rains. It's fairly predictable once you are there, IMO. For example, during one trip there, it rained every day at almost exactly 2 p.m. for about an hour or two. Then at night, which doesn't matter as much. Other areas in Costa Rica? Look northwest towards Guanacaste (definitely relatively drier), and then there's Cahuita (I prefer this area).
posted by bolognius maximus at 6:38 AM on July 18, 2011

Another area that I like (and would be suitable for a romantic honeymoon) is the Osa Peninsula. There are some really nice resorts in the area, beach, jungle, and it's really remote.
posted by bolognius maximus at 7:02 AM on July 18, 2011

We went during the rainy season this past June. It's really a crapshoot; it rained every day while we were there, and when we were on the Arenal portion of the trip, it did rain, but in the late afternoon through evening. We did our zip-line at 7:30am which was ideal, and a hike around 11am, when things were wet but not actively raining. We were, however, trapped in our casita at the hotel grounds in the evenings because the rain was so intense that we couldn't leave.

If I may make a recommendation: when we traveled to Costa Rica, we used a travel agent through Nature Air, who was local, to coordinate all of our adventures, and we couldn't have been happier. If you want their info and the contact we used, feel free to PM me.
posted by juniperesque at 7:25 AM on July 18, 2011

What time in September? We went Mid-August to the Arenal area and it was awesome. We had rain every day but nothing too horrible like we were warned. We even did some zip lining (Our 3rd that trip) in the pouring rain and it made it even more fun/difficult. I still dream of that place almost daily and that was almost 4 years ago.

The other half of our trip was @ Paradisus Playa Conchal. All inclusive, on the Pacific Coast. I think it rained maybe once. Otherwise it was really hot. If you would like some more details, MeMail me and I would LOVE to assist in anyway I could.
posted by NotSoSimple at 5:01 PM on July 18, 2011

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