Attn: Graphic Designers I need ideas
May 18, 2005 5:57 AM

Need help designing a sports collage

I am a graphic designer and I have been low on creativity for the past 3 weeks. I am looking for ideas to make a sports collage. A co-worker has asked me for a favor to make her a collage of her sons high school baseball team. She want's a 16x20 there are 6 coaches 23 players and asst team shots with a big team picture. I plan on scanning them and arranging them, I need ideas on the look/layout of the collage, do you think 16x20 is enought room to work with?
posted by askmatrix to Media & Arts (2 answers total)
I can't speak to the collage (as I'm a terrible designer), but for future reference, you may want to pick up a copy of Graphic Designers Cookbook (Chronicle Books). It has roughs of every layout you can imagine.

Good luck
posted by Gucky at 7:53 AM on May 18, 2005

There are a million ways to approach this kind of thing. This post was actually about 4 times longer than it is right now but I edited it to include only the two approaches I liked best :) There's the kind of collage where all of the images fade into each other like this or like this. I especially like this one - using other graphic elements (the different color stripes - you could use team colors) as an accent looks really good. This one too.

My pick: Just looking through the results when you Google sports collages images, I've found several more "designy" looks, like this one, which is the one I would use as my inspiration for a project like this, but probably without any text, although you may want to use it yourself. Using that kind of a design, you could incorporate a team logo or flag or something in the center (and as a background), along with the photo of the entire team, and then radiate outward with the photos of individual players. It has a nice balance and symmetry to it, and would incorporate things unique to her son's team (logo, colors, etc) that would make it extra special. Also, a design like this gives you, as the designer, a lot of room for creativity and fun, which is going to make it a lot more enjoyable for you, especially since it sounds like you're doing this gratis.
posted by iconomy at 8:29 AM on May 18, 2005

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