How to make Safari allow cut/paste in my Applet's text field?
May 3, 2005 12:20 PM   Subscribe

Specific Safari/Java/Applet question: how do I get Safari to allow cut and paste to work in my applet's text fields?

I was wondering if some sage mefi programmer knows a way around this. Here's a test page. The top field is done with AWT and in Safari, copy/paste keys work and the Edit menu reflects this. The bottom field, a Swing JTextField, does not have any copy/paste ability (but weirdly you can drag and drop text). The Edit menu won't work, and I understand that I won't be able to get Cmd-C and Cmd-V to work because Safari doesn't let Applets grab shortcut keys.

I could use a TextField instead, but I'm loathe to because there's a lot of code already in place that assumes JComponents. Am I screwed?
posted by fleacircus to Computers & Internet (2 answers total)
could you write copy/paste functionality into the applet?
posted by pmbuko at 1:01 PM on May 3, 2005

Response by poster: I could do some custom keys, but not the canonical copy/paste key shortcuts, and not the edit menu, so that is a last option. I'm wondering about Frakensteinian AWT/Swing objects right now...
posted by fleacircus at 1:48 PM on May 3, 2005

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