Good meetup spot for discussion group in Montreal?
January 4, 2011 3:38 PM   Subscribe

I need a good restaurant/bar/café in the Montréal area that can accommodate a discussion group of 10-15 people, which is not too loud, and has relatively non-expensive (and good) food and drinks.

Ideally I need to be able to go to this place twice a month, once on a Saturday around 5pm and once on a Friday at around 7pm. Also, I'm looking for a spot where we won't feel rushed to leave after we eat, since this is a film discussion group.

This used to be my go to place, but they closed.

Thanks for the help!
posted by exolstice to Food & Drink (12 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
If Côte-des-Neiges is convenient, the Brûlerie (the one on Côte-des-Neiges; last time I went to their 1587 St-Denis location, they didn't serve food) is an option.
posted by Monday, stony Monday at 3:50 PM on January 4, 2011

I used to like going to one of the Commensals for my groups. Food is by weight and a bit pricey but tasty, and there are desserts and coffee as well as regular fruit/soft drinks and I think some beer also.
The one that used on be on St. Denis/Sherbrooke was my favorite, but the one in Cote-de-Neiges on St. Mary in the old wax museum is really nice and has lot of space and different areas to convene in for a more isolated feel.
posted by L'Estrange Fruit at 4:33 PM on January 4, 2011

Which part of town?
posted by Marquis at 4:53 PM on January 4, 2011

Response by poster: Preferably downtown, but anywhere that's easily accessible by metro.
posted by exolstice at 5:18 PM on January 4, 2011

Seconding Le Commensal for happy meeting ambiance, but you may have trouble finding a place for those Friday evening meetings--that's peak time for restaurants and bars, and it might be unrealistic to hope that they won't be ushering you out when you've finished eating and drinking. That said, you may have some luck with this:

Restaurant Tibétain
317, Rue Ontario Est,
(514) 985-2494

If you like good (if heavy), inexpensive Tibetan food, and friendly staff.
posted by YamwotIam at 5:30 PM on January 4, 2011

Eduardo's (Duluth/St. Denis) was always great, and accommodating of large parties.. but maybe a little on the loud side? Great reasonably priced Italian food.. Bring your own wine.
posted by mbatch at 5:44 PM on January 4, 2011

Unfortunately, the Commensal at Côte-des-Neiges has been replaced by a Pharmaprix; it moved a bit down the street, but then it closed.
posted by Monday, stony Monday at 7:02 PM on January 4, 2011

Oh, and re: getting there, if you choose to go to Côte-des-Neiges, and you live on the green line, it's quicker to get down at Guy-Concordia and take the 165 bus North than to do two transfers at Lionel-Groulx and Snowdon.
posted by Monday, stony Monday at 7:06 PM on January 4, 2011

Well... if you are planning to discuss the Constitution, you could do like Pierre Trudeau and go to Le Maison Egg Roll, 3741 Rue Wellington.
posted by ovvl at 7:22 PM on January 4, 2011

I once worked at Pèlerin-Magellan (on Ontario near Saint-Denis). They have two private rooms that can be reserved; the first, "la cabine", is good for up to about 15 people. The other, "le pont supérieur", can hold up to 35. The food is great, not too expensive, and the location is central (near Berri-UQAM).
posted by OLechat at 9:17 PM on January 4, 2011

I like Burritoville (2055 Bishop, off of Sherbrooke) for that sort of thing. Just the right amount of quiet and the food is pretty good too!
posted by Kitteh at 7:54 AM on January 5, 2011

Burritoville also has a room upstairs that they've used for large groups, I don't know what it takes to reserve it though. However, it deserves a messy food warning!

Depending on how long your meetings will be, and what "non-expensive" means to you, you could try going to a small resto and basically taking it over for the evening. Obviously something to talk about with the proprietors first! I had a lovely meetup like this at Gracia Afrika near Atwater Market once, though I don't think they have a liquor license.

PS: Any more details on the group?
posted by vasi at 7:24 AM on January 8, 2011

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