Seeking Presenters For Our Audience
November 22, 2010 7:20 PM   Subscribe

Can anyone recommend a talented public speaker in the NYC/Boston/Philly/DC/NJ area who can talk to our audience (an NYC non-profit usability professionals' association) about usability, who would be available from March of 2011 onwards? I'm particularly interested in finding people who specialize in designing things like cockpit controls for aircraft, nuclear plant dashboards, radar systems for the military and/or meteorological systems, and the like. I'm a big fan of author and researcher Gary Klein and have asked for his help as well. I'd be grateful for any leads. Thank you.
posted by uxplanner to Technology (3 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Missy Cummings at MIT does usability on unmanned system controls like the Predator, and other military interfaces like that. She spoke to a company I worked at once and it was fascinating and enjoyable.
posted by olinerd at 3:46 AM on November 23, 2010

Response by poster: Thank you Mikell, that's exactly the kind of lead I'm looking for! By the way, you mentioned that she spoke to a company you worked for...maybe I can sniff out some leads that way as well. Do you mind telling me which company that was? Are they still around?
posted by uxplanner at 10:30 AM on November 23, 2010

Check your MeFi mail.
posted by olinerd at 1:29 PM on November 23, 2010

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