How can I buy a used car in the UK without getting ripped off?
October 25, 2010 8:38 AM

What's the best way of buying a used car in the UK without getting ripped off?

I'm trying to buy a used car in the UK. I've been focussing on the Autotrader website but the number of con merchants on that site is just stunning -- maybe around 2/3rds of the calls I make turn out to be to somebody dodgy.

I'm considering going to a car dealer (I've got about £1,500 to spend) but don't want to pay over the odds.

Any advice or thoughts? What works for you?
posted by deeper red to Shopping (3 answers total)
The way the market is for cars at the moment, you hold all the cards. They need to sell more than you need to buy. Especially so if you go to a dealership where they work on commission. Dealerships also give you comeback if the car develops a fault. Buying from a private seller you buy "as seen" and if it breaks down a week later costing you £400... tough luck.

My advice: go to a dealer.
posted by Biru at 10:33 AM on October 25, 2010

It's not impossible, but harder than if you were going to spend a little more.

First of all, you get more rights going through an accredited motor trader.

You also get a little more rights if you pay a little more for a newer car. So, if a motor trader sells you a car for £400 you don't really have the expectation it will be in tip top nick. If it's £40,000 then if the gearbox fails shortly after purchasing you do have more rights to demand redress.

I'd recommend reading Honest John, who has a complete guide.
posted by MuffinMan at 10:33 AM on October 25, 2010

Go to a reputable car dealer, preferably one that's recommended to you. Dealers have a lot more legal obligations to their customers than private sellers.
posted by wackybrit at 10:52 AM on October 25, 2010

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