New York eye doctor help?
October 20, 2010 8:47 AM

Help me find a good eye doctor in Brooklyn or Manhattan.

I see the world through a pair of glasses prescribed (and created) over five years ago. (I'm under 25, fwiw.) My last checkup was to get a contact lens prescription, three years ago. I have no intention of buying new glasses or contacts now unless there's been a major change to my prescription, which I don't anticipate. This is more of a 'well visit,' and I want a fresh Rx.

What I'm looking for in an eye doctor:

• Good doctor, with whom your visits were comfortable (for a doctor's office) and medically sound.

• Won't be a jerk about giving me my glasses and contacts prescription, along with PD. I know the law in NYS requires any doctor to give it to me, but I don't want to fight about it.
• Located somewhere near work or on my route home. I work near Penn Station, and can stop anywhere between there and the Brooklyn or Manhattan bridges on my way home; in Brooklyn, anywhere between the bridges and Crown Heights. Will stray for a great recommendation.

• Affordable: I have Davis Vision insurance, so a member doctor would be amazing. If not, a full appointment (including eyeglass and contact lens prescriptions) should be as close to $150 or less as possible.

• Open early/late. This is not as important as the others, but if I can go on my way home from work (>7:15pm), that would be much preferable to taking time off.

Personal experience is best, although a reccomendation based on legitimate reviews from magazines etc would work as well.

If you have a great doctor that doesn't fit exactly into my criteria, please post anyway… I'll justify the time/expense/stress for a great doctor. Just please explain why said doctor is so great.

Thanks so much!
posted by mhz to Health & Fitness (5 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I have had nothing but terrific experiences with Optical 88. I've had 2 different exams there by 2 different doctors, both went well. I can get 6 months worth of lenses for $100. It was so cheap that even when I had insurance I didn't bother checking to see if they qualified, because I already felt like I was getting a serious bargain. Also -- and this may not be important to you -- but the staff seems to be composed mostly of incredibly adorable Chinese boys.
posted by hermitosis at 8:53 AM on October 20, 2010

Also, the folks at Optical 88 were happy to give me my PD after they measured it. But I did have to know to ask.
posted by thejoshu at 9:10 AM on October 20, 2010

I really like H Optics, which is on Orchard between Broome and Grand. Dr. Ho is awesome. He takes Davis Vision, I believe. I've come by fairly late in the day, though I don't remember if it was after 7:15 pm.
posted by odin53 at 9:26 AM on October 20, 2010

You will have to forgive the incredibly over the top flash web site (with music, FYI), but I just had a very good experience at Park Slope Eye. Fantastic.
posted by crickets at 1:35 PM on October 20, 2010

I cannot recommend Dr. Ho highly enough. He was friendly, and explained everything he was doing in detail. Really good experience.
posted by mhz at 4:22 PM on November 2, 2010

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