Sofabed Recommendations?
October 10, 2010 3:13 PM   Subscribe

Can you recommend me a decent sofa-bed/sleeper that is both comfortable as a sofa AND great to sleep on?

I live in Canada, and will be moving to the Greater Toronto Area, so if you can, please give me recommendations that I can obtain locally.

I need a nice, comfortable sofa for my home theatre that will convert into a comfortable bed at night. Since this isn't going to just be used for company, but rather by myself as my every-night bed, I need something that is durable and very comfortable (I generally prefer something a little on the firmer side, though I know I could always get a foam topper or featherbed to make it more comfy). I am thinking about something from Ikea (particularly Karlstad or especially the Manstad, because I like the chaise option), mainly due to price and function, but I'm open to other suggestions as well.

It would be really appreciated if your rec's are based on personal experience, and bonus points if you yourself have slept on the recommended sofabed regularly or, ideally, as your main bed.

Oh, and I'm a pretty big guy, so I'm looking for something that is a Queen-size bed or similar.

posted by 1000monkeys to Home & Garden (23 answers total) 7 users marked this as a favorite
I'm sleeping on the cheapest futon combo I found at IKEA, and have been for three months. Works great for me; I like very firm mattresses, though, and don't mind sleeping low to the ground while I save up for a standard bed. My sisters say it's comfortable to sit on, as a couch.

It's full sized. No idea about the specific name, though.
posted by SMPA at 3:43 PM on October 10, 2010

I have the Beddinge with the Resmo mattress in the baby's room. I put a higher end memory foam mattress topper (from BB&B) on it and I think it's WAY more comfortable than our Tempurpedic. Full size sheets barely fit it, but I'm a big 5'8" and I find it's enough space for sleeping alone. I like having the storage bin beneath for the bedding, and the cover fits right over the mattress topper.
posted by PorcineWithMe at 3:58 PM on October 10, 2010

Response by poster: Thanks guys. I'm trying to steer away from the futon/folding futon look as I don't really like the style, but I'll keep it in mind. I'm primarily more interested in something that can double as an actual regular sofa. Another option I just noticed is Ikea's new Kivik sofabed.
posted by 1000monkeys at 4:05 PM on October 10, 2010

We got a La-z-boy sleeper sofa with the inflatable air mattress option for our media/guest room. It comes with an electric pump and takes about a minute to inflate. I don't like it better than a standard bed but it's WAY better than any air mattress I've slept on. If our overnight guests are to be believed then it's an excellent compromise.
posted by victoriab at 4:58 PM on October 10, 2010

Response by poster: Thanks, victoriab. I have to admit, I'm not too big on the inflatable mattress idea, either. I'm worried about comfort and durability. I checked out the La-Z-Boy Sleeper selection on their website, but they just don't seem to be the right style--too casual and not stylish enough, if that makes any sense?

Maybe I'm being a bit picky (Princess and the Pea much?) but I'm trying to find that balance between comfort, style, and durability.
posted by 1000monkeys at 5:02 PM on October 10, 2010

I got a couch from Jennifer Convertibles, thoughit looks like their locations are limited. I lived on the thing (folded out) for a few weeks after recovering from surgery and it was pretty comfortable. None of my guests have ever complained about it either. I sleep on it folded up all the time and it's never been a problem. I think getting something with a frame helps. Maybe Ashley?
posted by kendrak at 5:46 PM on October 10, 2010

Best answer: Ahh, I came in here to recommend the Manstad but I see you've already seen it.
posted by InsanePenguin at 6:00 PM on October 10, 2010

Response by poster: Have you tried it, InsanePenguin? Any feedback? It looks perfect for what I want, but I'm not so sure about the durability or comfort--especially since the cushions themselves are the mattress (and I worry about sinking down along the seams).

Thanks for the tip, kendrak--I'll check it out! :)
posted by 1000monkeys at 6:04 PM on October 10, 2010

I cannot recommend the BluDot One Night Stand enough. It's very firm, it's very durable (so far, anyway - I've had it about 3 months), and, design-wise, I think it stands on its own merits as both bed and sofa. It's a full queen, and the stealthy way it opens up is rather awesome. A review.

It is, however, not cheap. I bought mine at the BluDot store in New York in June and got it for half off, though, as they said they were discontinuing the wool blend fabric* and so were putting the remaining units on clearance. The new sofas are going to have a cotton/linen blend; they showed me swatches in a handful of nice colors. Said availability on the new fabrics was Fall 2010.

*You'll see some chatter around the internet that that wool blend fabric was discontinued because of pilling and uneven wear. I haven't had that experience (yet).
posted by minervous at 6:30 PM on October 10, 2010

Response by poster: Thanks, minervous. That sofa looks really stylish. I do wonder about the comfort level and ability to hold its shape, but I love the look of it (especially in the grey colour).
posted by 1000monkeys at 7:19 PM on October 10, 2010

We've got the oxford from crate & barrel (in Toronto) and here is what my main squeeze says about it:
1. it looks nice
2. it does NOT have the bar across the middle
3. various family members of size have used it and have given it the thumbs up.
4. solid wood construction & joints
5. best in price range*
*its more $$ than the ikea which we also looked at. We also looked at the air mattress things - but they just didn't seem particularly sturdy and replacement units were pricey.

Here is what I say: we have had a fair number of house guests it's seen a bit of action & everyone has given it the ok.

We'd recommend it.
posted by zenon at 8:01 PM on October 10, 2010

Oh, it's also great as a sofa.
posted by zenon at 8:03 PM on October 10, 2010

Response by poster: Wow, thanks zenon. That looks like a good contender for a not-too-bad price. I didn't even know we HAD Crate & Barrel in Canada! I've added it to my list of models to check out.
posted by 1000monkeys at 8:27 PM on October 10, 2010

I just slept last night on my sister's American Leather sleeper sofa (I'm not sure which model). She got it because it had a great reputation as a sleeper and indeed it was extremely comfortable to sleep on. Pretty good as a sofa too.
posted by phoenixy at 8:41 PM on October 10, 2010

We got one of these. It's the only comfortable sleeper sofa I've ever slept on. It's even better though with a memory foam topper. The sofa has a 3 section platform bed inside. So, no springs and no bars.
posted by reddot at 1:50 AM on October 11, 2010

Best answer: I can recommend the MÅNSTAD corner sofa-bed. It's really comfy as a sofa and transforms into a great (and large) bed too. One of the cool things about it is that there's storage for linens etc built in under the seating.
posted by jonesor at 2:52 AM on October 11, 2010

Wow, there are way more options than when we bought our La-Z-Boy in 2004 and I've looked through the suggested couches and I see what you mean about the "casual" look. The lack of that horrid bar in the middle of the mattress was our main criteria when we bought ours so I'm just glad that they seem to have solved that problem. I'd love to know what you end up with and then get an update in about 6 months on how you like it.
posted by victoriab at 7:51 AM on October 11, 2010

Best answer: I'm a big fan of the Ikea Karlstad sleeper sofa. Very comfortable and the extra storage underneath is convenient for blankets and pillows.
posted by phelixshu at 10:20 AM on October 11, 2010

Response by poster: Thanks everybody for the tips and suggestions (keep 'em coming!). I have to admit, I'm a bit wary of sleeping on a sofa bed as a full time bed but I'm trying to work with the space I have, instead of fighting against it. Worst case scenario, I can always go back to using my bed (which we'll put in a spare guestroom upstairs in the new house). I also realized that we do have a decent Sears Sealy something-or-other (perfecta?) pull-out sofa bed which could work (with a really nice featherbed topper or something) since it's an actual mattress, but it's not terrible comfortable (that damn bar!) and it doesn't really go with the décor (mind you, in the theatre room, it will never really be seen).

victoriab, I will try to update you guys on my decision and with a review a few months later (that is, if I can do that on here before the question is closed).

Thanks again for all the suggestions, I'd still love to hear more--particularly from people who are actually sleeping on a sofabed/sleeper full-time.
posted by 1000monkeys at 2:37 PM on October 12, 2010

Response by poster: Just a little update. My Mom wants to get rid of her old brown couch/sofa bed so I am going to buy TWO sofabeds for my suite; one for the living area and one for the theatre/bedroom. That way, we always have extra space for guests AND if I don't like one couch, I can sleep in the other room on another model LOL

So, I am probably going to buy the Manstad and the Karlstad. I'll update here (if I can) with my experiences. The problem is that we want to preorder it so we have it upon arrival (so we have places to sleep until our other furniture arrives, so I'll be buying them untested :-S

posted by 1000monkeys at 7:26 PM on October 31, 2010

Response by poster: Okay, here is my update (if anyone is still following along) :)

I have been sleeping on the Manstad for the past few nights, and last night I slept on the Karlstad. Both couches are very, very firm, but the Manstad is even firmer than the Karlstad. Even with a fairly thick featherbed topper. I don't mind it, since I prefer firmer mattresses, but it certainly takes some getting used to and is much firmer than my old bed. I really like the height of the Manstad, though, compared to the Karlstad, which is basically at ground level. However, the Karlstad is a bit more comfy (especially with the feather topper, though it is still quite firm even with the featherbed), especially the part that folds out. Neither beds have that horrible bar in the middle, since there really is no bar and you're sleeping sideways on both couches. You also don't really notice the seam between the cushions, but again that could be because of the feather topper. One nice feature with the Karlstad is that it comes with a little mattress cover to go over the cushions, which makes it a little more comfy and protects the cushions, since they are basically just the couch cushions folded out.

I hope this update helps anybody in the future looking at either of these sofa beds. They both work fine for me, but I am a little stiff in the AM (it will take some getting used to). I definitely wouldn't recommend if you are someone who likes a plush/soft bed (even with a featherbed topper), but it's totally fine if you like firm beds (so far, anyways).

I'll try and leave this post open if I can, so I can update in several months and let you know if I'm still using them. I actually suspect that they might become more comfortable as they break in, though I do worry about how long the cushions will maintain their form, especially with the Manstad as it seems to get wrinkly after sitting on it just as a normal couch.

posted by 1000monkeys at 5:46 PM on November 21, 2010

Response by poster: Update: Well, the Manstad is okay but I can now feel a ridge across my back (where the chaise part ends and the pullout part begins). I still sleep on this couch every night but I often wake up with a slightly stiff (occasionally sore) mid-lower back. It's something I can live with but it's not ideal and I definitely wouldn't recommend it if you have back problems or are older. If it keeps bugging me, I might switch over to the Karlstad.
posted by 1000monkeys at 11:01 PM on February 1, 2011 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: Posting for future people researching: the couch sucks to sleep on long-term. I ended up buying a platform frame and a good but cheapish "futon" mattress (not the folding kind but a big, very thick 10-layer wool and cotton tufted one, very very comfy) for about $500. Much better than the Karlstad couch.
posted by 1000monkeys at 1:31 PM on September 4, 2011 [4 favorites]

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