Who made this lithograph?
September 10, 2010 10:20 PM   Subscribe

Lithograph featuring Napoleon - can you identify the artist and what is depicted? Owner thinks item dates to the 1800s. Apologies for poor quality photos. (Asking for a friend.)
posted by Dragonness to Media & Arts (4 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
It looks too clean to be a 19th century litho of a painting. Most lithos were hand painted in the 19th century. They only became popular in the 1890s. It could be a chromolith, dating to the 1870's but I think the colors are too strong. The only way to know may be to remove it from its frame and see if there is a mark or to have the paper looked at by an expert. You can consult an archivist at some university libraries or museums to age paper, but call ahead.
posted by parmanparman at 10:39 PM on September 10, 2010

I think it was done in the 1920s.
posted by parmanparman at 10:40 PM on September 10, 2010

I say that because the frame edge looks like rolled metal.
posted by parmanparman at 10:40 PM on September 10, 2010

Response by poster: Thanks for your input, parmanparman. The frame is more recent, I believe.
posted by Dragonness at 10:43 PM on September 10, 2010

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