Fill out my Map of Awesome
August 18, 2010 4:59 AM

I'm updating my Map of Awesome - who else should be on there? Looking for performance artists, schools, companies, places, and other things that share characteristics of activism, creativity, and pure awesome.

I'm building a Map of Awesome as a way to keep track of the myriad of awesome creative projects, performers, and organisations I hear about every so often. It's pretty open-ended, but here are some common characteristics:

* It's something creative, usually performance-based but not necessarily (I have things like TED and Pop!Tech in there)
* There's a level of activism, or at least making a difference/spreading the message
* Quite a lot of feminism, queer politics, anti-racist/minority issues, human sexuality, gender theory
* Great appreciation for the totally random (such as ROFLCON)
* Lots of circus, burlesque, physical theatre; also adding in various events and festivals

Based on the above, and based on what's on the map already, what else would you recommend I add? Is there a big festival or event that I'm missing out on? An itinerant director/performer whose work fits those lines? Some sort of conference that's a hidden gem? A dream school for awesome people?

I'm especially interested in things outside the US, UK, and Australia, mainly because my map's so saturated with entries from there (all the fun stuff seems to be in San Francisco!). Also it doesn't have to be performance-oriented or even performance-related; that's just the stuff I've mapped out so far, but I'm open to all sorts of awesome.

Some of the content of the map has come from these AskMefi qs: 1, 2, 3 - any related Qs would make good pointers too!
posted by divabat to Grab Bag (12 answers total) 19 users marked this as a favorite
The Harveyville Project. Schoolhouse turned home and arts retreat, a friend of mine owns it and I teach out there every year. Fall fiber school is super-fun, she has sheep, there's art, and it's a fantastic place to get away from yourself for a while.
posted by at 5:37 AM on August 18, 2010

Born to Drum, the annual California-based women-only drumming camp!
posted by RJ Reynolds at 6:10 AM on August 18, 2010

Um, Streb should definitely be on there. They're awesome in brooklyn. It's not geographically located like other stuff on your map, but I think the Just Seeds people deserve to be on there as well. Because they are awesome.
posted by history is a weapon at 6:44 AM on August 18, 2010

How about Curious, the UK-based performance company of Leslie Hill and Helen Paris.
As for your especially, off the top of my head I'll mention Aarohan Theatre in Kathmandu. There's a ton of stuff in India, but pretty hard to find online, at least quickly.
Great project!
posted by Mngo at 7:25 AM on August 18, 2010

Philadelphia School of Circus Arts.
posted by 8dot3 at 7:34 AM on August 18, 2010

Christiania - an autonomous community in Copenhagen, Denmark founded on a derelict military base. Packed with unique architecture, homes, schools, shops, TV, radio, and all kinds of amazing cultural expression. When you pass through Denmark on your world tour, stop by and visit.
posted by jardinier at 8:03 AM on August 18, 2010

Robert Lepage and Ex Machina, based in Quebec. Lepage is a sort of theater/media visionary, creating stage works that involve highly innovative use of technology and imagery. He's also directed Peter Gabriel's concert tours, shows for Cirque du Soleil, and is currently creating a new production of Wagner's Ring Cycle for the Metropolitan Opera in NYC. I think pretty much anything he does is Not To Be Missed!
posted by dnash at 8:05 AM on August 18, 2010

Do Jump

Circus Artemis (Portland's all woman circus)
posted by Lutoslawski at 9:37 AM on August 18, 2010

I haven't been yet, but the Keyhole Sessions are definitely on my to-do list
posted by 5_13_23_42_69_666 at 8:09 PM on August 18, 2010

This is AMAZING! Some great things I'd never have thought of looking up, and I'm barely a third of the way through. Thanks you all, keep them coming!
posted by divabat at 9:16 PM on August 18, 2010

The Edinburgh Fringe
Latitude Festival
Fierce Festival
Festival At The Edge
WIT Festival
posted by the latin mouse at 2:21 PM on August 25, 2010

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