What is that cylinder?
May 15, 2010 8:10 AM   Subscribe

On the side of truck cabs, there is often a metal cylinder about a foot and a half high and maybe a foot in diameter. What is that?
posted by Frasermoo to Travel & Transportation (9 answers total)
Fuel tank.
posted by kindall at 8:15 AM on May 15, 2010

air cleaner
posted by HuronBob at 8:16 AM on May 15, 2010

Response by poster: I know it's not the fuel tank.

Air cleaner? really? What air is it cleaning? Air in to the engine or the cab?
posted by Frasermoo at 8:22 AM on May 15, 2010

Best answer: Yes, air cleaner -- air into the engine. These are huge engines which suck in a lot of air, so they can't run off the small inlet you're accustomed to on your car. The air cleaners are big, get the dust, but allow plenty of air into the carburetor.
posted by AzraelBrown at 8:25 AM on May 15, 2010

That is the housing for the engine air filter. It cleans the air that the engine uses to run.
posted by Daddy-O at 8:26 AM on May 15, 2010

Response by poster: thanks.
posted by Frasermoo at 8:28 AM on May 15, 2010

Oh, you meant the cylinder in the faint red circle that I missed. I thought you did in fact mean the fuel tank.
posted by kindall at 8:31 AM on May 15, 2010

I can't prove it, but I believe some diesels use a system like this:

posted by gjc at 1:04 PM on May 15, 2010

kindall, I made the same mistake, even though Frasermoo circled the damned thing he meant in red!
posted by IAmBroom at 9:52 PM on May 15, 2010

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