May 9, 2010 9:13 AM

Rohypnol Recovery?

It looks like someone close to me was slipped rohypnol or something similar. She is not feeling well, and I cannot find anything online about how to aid the recovery from this drug. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thank you.
posted by plungerjoke to Health & Fitness (12 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
This is an excellent reason to call your state's poison control center. They offer advice on a lot more than straight-up poison.
posted by acidic at 9:18 AM on May 9, 2010

State Poison Control Directory
posted by griphus at 9:44 AM on May 9, 2010

Acidic has an excellent suggestion. It's also not a bad idea to call up her GP. How long ago was she slipped it? From the very few people I know who've had experiences with this, generally the night and day after you've taken the Rohypnoled are pretty extremely hellish. Consistent vomiting, hangover-from-hell feeling, haziness and confusion are pretty par for the course for the day or two after ingestion. A couple other thoughts though:

1) is she SURE it was a rohypnoled? If she had the typical reactions to the drug (black out, puking, etc...especially if she was at a party beforehand and may have left her drink unattended), then it is very likely Rohypnoled, but in the event that she wasn't slipped something, it could be something quite a bit worse.

2) Is she was given a Rohypnoled and she was left unattended for any period of time while on the drug, a pregnancy and std test are probably in order.
posted by Lutoslawski at 9:48 AM on May 9, 2010

We aren't positive she took rohypnol. She was with me for all but about 10 minutes of the night, so I don't think anything warranting an STD test happened. She just blacked out hard and feels really "weird" today (not hungover, though).
posted by plungerjoke at 9:49 AM on May 9, 2010

Yeah, if she blackouted suddenly and hadn't just shotgunned a dozen beers then yeah, that sounds like a roofie. She may not feel hungover, but she wouldn't really remember anything from the night before post roofie ingestion. Has she been puking at all? How much did she have to drink? Is she on any other meds, like benzos? These are all questions that might be best discussed with your doctor. However, if she isn't on other meds and hadn't had much to drink and you think a roofie is a likely culprit, there isn't anything you can do other than the normal get better stuff - make some tea, take the day off, eat something, try to sleep. Being roofied is a really, really fucking awful experience. I'm sorry.
posted by Lutoslawski at 9:56 AM on May 9, 2010

If there was alcohol involved, and it was rohypnol or something similar, then what you have is basically a benzodiazepine/alcohol hangover. The Rohypnol makes you forget, but benzos and alcohol don't mix well, hence the wicked hangover. Sleep it off.

If it feels like something other than a bad hangover, or it's really out of character for the amount of alcohol ingested, a trip to the doctor might not be a bad idea - you are dealing with several assumptions here that may not be true (that drugs were given, that it was rohypnol specifically).
posted by TravellingDen at 10:20 AM on May 9, 2010

Also, is she on *any* other medications? There are tons and tons of prescriptions that don't play well with alcohol. This isn't to say she wasn't roofied, but it's worth it to think of other possible interactions. Even if she's been on a med for a while without problems, the interaction can happen quite suddenly. Worth it to investigate so she doesn't have to go through it again.

No chance she's already pregnant? Or has a migraine? These also make people feel like absolute crap the next day.

Also, I'd go to a doctor or at the very least call the nurses line. What if it wasn't roofie but was something else?
posted by barnone at 10:48 AM on May 9, 2010

Go to a real doctor. Roofies (and other similar drugs) can be tested for. I would want to know for sure.

Poison control's a good second choice.
posted by Sticherbeast at 11:11 AM on May 9, 2010

Here's erowid's page on rohypnol.
posted by gingerbeer at 12:37 PM on May 9, 2010

From gingerbear's informative link, check out this page on roofies and date rape.

Roofies are, statistically speaking, actually quite rarely used as a date rape drug. Your friend may have been roofied; she may have been drugged with something else (which is more likely); she may have drunk more than she thought she did; or she may have blacked out for some other reason, perhaps even a serious reason, but one unrelated to sexual assault.

We can't know based on the information we have as to what actually happened to your friend, which is why I suggest she goes to a doctor.
posted by Sticherbeast at 1:04 PM on May 9, 2010

I'd go to a doctor to try to find out, not just to know how to feel better, but also to adjust my perceptions of the people I was partying with... if someone at a party slipped me a roofie, I'd want to know so I could keep my guard up the next time I'm in their company.
posted by Billegible at 2:14 PM on May 9, 2010

Have her hydrate like it's her job.

The number for poison control is 1-800-222-1222, but I would go to an urgent care center (not an ER) instead of calling them, if you're near one. Urgent care will have access to more rapid blood tests than her PCP, and it's not a true emergency from what you've described.
posted by skyl1n3 at 6:49 PM on May 9, 2010

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