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March 2, 2010 3:28 PM   Subscribe

Is it possible to get a Rock Band 2 guitar controller for Wii to work with Guitar Hero: World Tour for PC?

I planned on playing Guitar Hero: World Tour for PC with my X-plorer Controller, but found the strum bar is unrepairably broken. Attempting to find a solution, I hooked up the wireless dongle for my Wii Rock Band 2 guitar to see if my computer would recognize it. To my surprise, Win7 successfully installed the hardware and it shows up in the device manager as a "Harmonix Guitar Controller for Nintendo Wii" and functions as a HID-compliant game controller. In the windows test screen it even shows all the buttons working, strum bar functions as the POV hat, whammy bar is the Z axis.

However, when I start up GH:WT, it doesn't recognize the guitar. It defaults to the keyboard controls as if nothing was plugged in at all. I suspect the game only recognizes the official Guitar Hero controller even though I know the two controllers don't differ in functionality.

So I'm wondering if there is any way of tricking the game into thinking the Wii controller is the same as the official Guitar Hero controller. Is there some sort of software that will allow me to change the device's name or possibly a replacement driver?

Playing pretend guitar just isn't the same with a keyboard :P
posted by arcolz to Computers & Internet (3 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Try xpadder?
posted by BeerFilter at 3:34 PM on March 2, 2010

No, xpadder won't work.

Follow the instructions here.
posted by flatluigi at 3:39 PM on March 2, 2010 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: I forgot to add, I tried using Joy2Key, but not only was it nearly impossible to get the controller buttons mapped to proper keyboard keys and things like the whammy bar were broken, in addition it introduced enough latency to make it more or less unplayable -- I suspect xpadder would have the same problems.

flatluigi: The problem isn't hooking the controller up to the computer, is has a wireless dongle and windows recognizes it. The problem is the Guitar Hero software is looking for the official controller. I want to trick it into think the Wii guitar is the official controller.
posted by arcolz at 3:52 PM on March 2, 2010

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