Gifts for the expecting couple?
December 28, 2009 12:37 PM

I need gift ideas for a couple expecting their first child. I'd prefer that it be something pregnancy-related (they averred that this is what they'd like) that they can enjoy together. They're still in their first trimester, and very excited. What are some creative or not-often-thought-of handy items to have while gestating?
posted by Ambrosia Voyeur to Shopping (16 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Couples massage? Really anything you get the pregnant one to make her more comfortable and happy will be something that makes the non-pregnant one happy.
posted by otherwordlyglow at 12:56 PM on December 28, 2009

Matching body pillows.

They are really useful. If you get two then the mommy-to-be can use the second one when she needs extra help getting comfortable toward the end of the pregnancy. (One under her belly and between her legs, one behind her back.) Then after the baby comes they will help the new mom and dad get comfortable quickly when they only have a few minutes to nap. I also used mine a lot while I was getting used to breastfeeding.
posted by TooFewShoes at 12:57 PM on December 28, 2009

Classy photo session? Tastefully sexy lingerie? (I've seen some really nice silky PJs that expand nicely but aren't schlumpy -- good for after the birth, too.)

I agree with otherworldlyglow.
posted by Madamina at 1:00 PM on December 28, 2009

A copy of The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth? Gift cards for local gourmet food emporiums? It seems like most of my pregnancy was spent either reading or visiting posh supermarkets, and those are hardly pastimes to discourage.

I would not have found use for massage, photography, or lingerie. You will need to suss out whether or not they are excited: this is serious stuff! or excited: let's make a belly cast! types. I found the gooey stuff marketed to pregnant women dreadful and came to hate anything using the word 'belly.'
posted by kmennie at 1:05 PM on December 28, 2009

Itzbeen Baby Care Timer Seriously. We used paper - and kept losing it or didn't write stuff down due to lack of sleep. This would have been awesome.
posted by bleucube at 1:06 PM on December 28, 2009

It's been a long time since I gestated... So long, in fact, that this question stumps me cold. (I'm the prickly, praying mantis type anyway.) The only thing I can think of that would be good for a gestating couple (other than 9 months of high quality food that follows you around and cleans up after itself, and also maybe a droid/ipod ap that locates the nearest toilet) might be something along the lines of a spa visit for two - assuming there would be one that would be familiar with working with pregnant people (all sorts of massage no-nos for the pregnant, and extra-hot water is out, too).

I was always wanting the next step to start, so I read constantly about what was going on currently (I liked this book by Sheila Kitzinger) and what I would have on my hands after the birth (I love Penelope Leach).

Maybe a book on pregnancy massage aimed at the partner? And some cocoa butter and/or other things good for swelling bellies? Prenatal yoga classes that both parents can attend?

Most recommended, though, is childbirth education classes, but they probably won't start till they're further along. Books, again, would be a good thing. Even for people who are put off by the Bradley method, it's worth at least having a look at one of their books - I found the concept of emotional signposts to be indescribably useful.

Other than that sort of thing - anything that would help them as a couple - cleaning service, meals for the freezer, dog walking/pet sitting, gift certificates for healthy, non-strongly-smelling restaurants, an accountant... Anything that would let them ignore the demands of dy-to-day life for a while so they can focus on each other and sleep might be welcome?

I'll be very interested to see what other people come up with...
posted by magdalenstreetladies at 1:19 PM on December 28, 2009

The Preggatini book will help them ring in the New Year or celebrate other events with fun, alcohol-free drinks.
posted by onhazier at 1:28 PM on December 28, 2009

things I needed in pregnancy:
a snoogle body pillow.
hemmeroid treatments.
activia yogurt.
pre-natal vitamins.
tons of water (new water bottle?).

don't get books or maternity clothes - those are dumped on you used when you're pregnant. In fact, if you want some, I have baby books. Pregnancy books already passed on.
posted by k8t at 2:13 PM on December 28, 2009

Parenting books by Penelope Leach.
Photo books by Lennart Nilsson
The Complete Book of Pregnancy and Childbirth Sheila Kitzinger.

Maternity clothes, or a gift cert.
posted by theora55 at 2:27 PM on December 28, 2009

Oh - honey butter stretch mark goo. I have no stretch marks. YBMV.
posted by k8t at 2:47 PM on December 28, 2009

Depending on how much money you're willing to spend, I would consider a maternity/newborn session with a professional photographer. It's not something they're likely to think of buying for themselves and it's something they'll treasure for long time.

I see you're in Ventura, CA and assuming your friends are too, here's a photographer I like in your area: Ann Purdy Photography (Warning - most photographers have annoying flash sites)

Here's one in Lancaster/Clairemont that I think is amazing, (although I don't know how far away that is from Ventura): Amy Anderson (Warning - most photographers have annoying flash sites)

I'm not pepsi blueing these folks. I don't know them at all. I just googled because I love portrait photography and picked the two best from the first page of results.

If you go this route and want some advice on how to pick a good photographer, memail me.
posted by dchrssyr at 3:24 PM on December 28, 2009

I'm nearing the end of pregnancy right now and here are the things that were useful. I am assuming you want a pregnancy gift and not a baby gift. . .

-body pillow
-belly butter/stretch mark cream (available at various price points).
-baby naming book
-Baby Bargains
-prenatal massage
-prenatal yoga classes

I've also given expectant parents this book by Anne Lamott-- It's really great.
posted by picklebird at 3:38 PM on December 28, 2009

Movie passes
Netflix subscription
Travel, maybe Mexico or Vegas?

They'll be too overwhelmed for movies or travel right after their first one.

My spouse and other recent moms Ii know all one day woke up and no clothes fit so maybe a single outfit for that day or a clothes buying trip?
posted by deanj at 10:44 PM on December 28, 2009

Depending upon what kind of folk they are... sexy maternity bras. Seriously. She'll need them, and he might find the gorgeous ones... a bit naughty.

But do find the nice ones. Some are truly ugly. I got mine from Hot Milk, but I think they might be Australian.Here's an idea of what I mean.
posted by taff at 11:52 PM on December 28, 2009

If you do go the photography route, I have some vetted recommendations from my parenting group for pregnancy and baby photos.
posted by k8t at 10:53 AM on December 29, 2009

Thanks, you guys! Great ideas all around. Some for now, some for later! Cheers!
posted by Ambrosia Voyeur at 11:38 AM on December 30, 2009

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