Bet They Won't Play These Songs on the Radio
November 19, 2009 7:38 PM   Subscribe

Mix CD filter: Suggest stupid/funny songs!

I am planning to make a mix CD that will go in my stepson's Christmas stocking. He's an immature but rather dry-witted 16-year-old with an endearingly geeky bent, and I already know he's fond of Tom Lehrer (but has most of Lehrer's stuff that he "gets" on his MP3 player already).

I'm interested in new or classic funny stuff, preferably fairly clean (it'd just be too creepy otherwise). Stuff already in mind:

--Some of Weird Al Yankovic's songs, mostly those like "One More Minute" and "Dare to Be Stupid" that don't really require a knowledge of the songs they're parodying, since he most likely won't know them.
--Some They Might Be Giants (probably "Why Does the Sun Shine," "Why Does the Sun Really Shine," "Particle Man" and/or "We Want a Rock").
--Some Monty Python stuff, a la "I Like Chinese," "Lumberjack Song," "Always Look on the Bright Side," etc.
--Possibly some Brian Dewan, although I don't know his catalog too well.
--Old Dr. Demento stuff, a la "Wet Dream," and "They're Coming to Take Me Away, Ha Ha."
--The Muppets, "Mahna Mahna"

What else should I consider? Stuff that's readily available through Amazon MP3 download is preferable (I can do iTunes but I don't like it as much and it seems to conflict with the Amazon MP3s).
posted by dlugoczaj to Media & Arts (53 answers total) 13 users marked this as a favorite
Wesley Willis? "Cut the Mullet" has a few naughty words, but it's a weirdo classic.
posted by scarykarrey at 7:40 PM on November 19, 2009

posted by scarykarrey at 7:40 PM on November 19, 2009

Radio Free Vestibule - "I Don't Want To Go To Toronto"
posted by jmnugent at 7:45 PM on November 19, 2009

bulbous bouffant - The Vestibules

i feel just like a child - Devendra Banhart

underwear goes inside the pants - Lazyboy
posted by gursky at 7:50 PM on November 19, 2009 [1 favorite]

Best answer: Jonathan Coulton.
posted by The Deej at 7:54 PM on November 19, 2009 [2 favorites]

Huggin' and Chalkin' by Hoagy Carmichael
You can buy it from Amazon

**Warning, not PC**
posted by Confess, Fletch at 7:59 PM on November 19, 2009

Weezer! :)
posted by snailparade at 8:01 PM on November 19, 2009

Immature young or immature likes fart jokes?

How about some Tim Minchin musical comedy - especially if he's an atheist

Tim Minchin's Wikipedia page
posted by trialex at 8:06 PM on November 19, 2009

Best answer: The Arrogant Worms. Totally clean, ridiculously funny.

Corky and the Juice Pigs

(Some of) Stephen Lynch, though he can be a little blue for a 16-year-old, or the easily-offended.

Adam Sandler's older comedy albums are pretty damn funny as interludes ("And now, the beating of a high school bus driver.") Some of his songs could fit the bill, as well.
posted by liquado at 8:06 PM on November 19, 2009 [1 favorite]

Boot to the Head and Last Will and Temperament by the Frantics

Happy Boy by The Beat Farmers

Little Boxes by The Womenfolk
posted by Confess, Fletch at 8:06 PM on November 19, 2009

John Prine has a lot of really goofy, funny, dry-witted songs. Eg:

Please Don't Bury Me
The Accident (things could be worse)

And if he's at all political, "Your flag decal won't get you into heaven anymore" is funny and topical.
posted by drjimmy11 at 8:07 PM on November 19, 2009 [1 favorite]

Oooh ooooh Warren Zevon. He is pretty much the king of this genre!

You can start with the obvious ("Werewolves of London"), but there's also "Excitable Boy," "Mr. Bad Example" and oh so many more.
posted by drjimmy11 at 8:09 PM on November 19, 2009

Response by poster: Immature young or immature likes fart jokes?

Both. Not particularly politically aware, into slapsticky humor, and fart jokes are probably good.
posted by dlugoczaj at 8:09 PM on November 19, 2009

Best answer: Fish Heads (music starts at about 2:17)
posted by emeiji at 8:09 PM on November 19, 2009

Flanders and Swann share more than a little with Tom Lehrer, albeit in their own English way.
posted by Quinbus Flestrin at 8:17 PM on November 19, 2009

Tim Minchin

I'd particularly suggest "Peace Anthem for Palestine", but also things like "If You Open Your Mind Too Much Your Brain Will Fall Out (Take My Wife)" and "Storm" could be good.
posted by pompomtom at 8:17 PM on November 19, 2009

It is probably too risque but the Bloodhound Gang has some clever and very funny lyrics. Many of which are not appropriate for a 16 year old boy.

Ray Stevens - The Streak
Jonathon Richman - I'm a Little Dinosaur (might be a little young but I still love it)
Cake - Rock & Roll Lifestyle (maybe too mainsteamy)
Frank Zappa - Don't Eat the Yellow Snow
Johnny Cash - A Boy Named Sue
ZZ Top - Cheap Sunglasses
Rednex - Cotton Eyed Joe
Steriogram - Walkie Talkie Man
Junior Brown - Peelin' Taters (I think the main instrument in this song is a zither(sp?)

I could go on and on and on but I need to get back to work. Have fun!
posted by fenriq at 8:26 PM on November 19, 2009

The Vandals Disproportioned Head
posted by MegoSteve at 8:32 PM on November 19, 2009

Cake's "Satan is my motor"
There are a few good tracks on the South Park "Chef Aid" album
posted by scarykarrey at 8:32 PM on November 19, 2009

Yes! We Have No Bananas!
posted by HopperFan at 8:36 PM on November 19, 2009

Anything by Me First and the Gimme Gimmes, also as per your title, "Please play this song on the radio" by NOFX has some naughty words but nothing sexual.
posted by Scientifik at 8:50 PM on November 19, 2009

Hm, if you're not overloaded on They Might Be Giants I'm a fan of "Dr. Worm."
posted by foulowl at 9:00 PM on November 19, 2009

Best answer: King Missile's "Detachable Penis" is much more absurd than vulgar, and totally hits the sweet spot for a 16-year-old's sense of humor (at least, it did in my case). Or "Cheesecake Truck" is completely absurd, and clean as a whistle.
posted by EvaDestruction at 9:10 PM on November 19, 2009 [1 favorite]

Though often peppered with profanity, there are many funny songs by The Queers, from "Born To Do Dishes" to "I Can't Stop Farting" to "I Hate Everything", which is pretty much the greatest recorded version of a 12-year-old's temper tantrum ever.

"Excitable Boy" is a FUNNY song? Huh? I find it a rather chilling look into the mind of a psychopath. YMMV.
posted by BitterOldPunk at 9:11 PM on November 19, 2009

Jonathan Richman - Parties in the USA, Tandem Jump

Chris Ligon - esp. "Buglight," "Frankenstien Just Got Up," and "Halfwit," which contains the brilliant line "You're some kind of genius when you're nude."

Moses Longpiece - Slide Her Under The Door
posted by hydrophonic at 9:16 PM on November 19, 2009

Anything by Reverend Billy C. Wirtz.
"Waffle House Fire" is a good one.
posted by treblemaker at 9:22 PM on November 19, 2009

The Best. Their genre is Motivational Rock. What else do you need to know? I'm sure if you contacted them through their FB page they would get you the mp3.
posted by tenaciousd at 9:28 PM on November 19, 2009

Mel Brooks & Carl Reiner - The 2000 Year Old Man
Yakko's Universe Song

One Weird Al song that doesn't parody anything specific is "Don't Download This Song", which was, of course, available for download on his MySpace page (for a while). Another video version here.
posted by Hardcore Poser at 9:47 PM on November 19, 2009

I don't have links to them, but Happy Happy Joy Joy and Yak Shaving Day from the Ren & Stimpy Show are funny, off the wall, and definitely immature. Yak Shaving Day is a spoof on the Santa Claus story - perfect for a stocking stuffer.
posted by kbar1 at 9:59 PM on November 19, 2009

Best answer: "You Can't Roller Skate In a Buffalo Herd"...Roger Miller
" Shaving Cream".....Benny Bell ( original artist) but there are others.
posted by Taurid at 10:46 PM on November 19, 2009

I don't know if you can find them on mp3, but Hugh Laurie used to perform songs on his show "A Bit of Fry and Laurie." Here are the two best.


I'm in Love with Steffi Graf
posted by cali59 at 10:59 PM on November 19, 2009

Obligatory Tom Waits recommendation: Rain Dogs has some wacky songs, like Cemetary Polka, Walking Spanish or the title track.
posted by mannequito at 11:48 PM on November 19, 2009

Best answer: Flight of the Conchords - Robots (how can anyone not like the 'binary solo'?!)
posted by patricio at 1:58 AM on November 20, 2009 [1 favorite]

Brian Dewan is great, although I can't think of a lot of comedy songs that he does - he likes odd old songs, folk songs, etc. I love his version of "Carve That Possum."

Take a listen to The Chenille Sisters. They do a mix of comedy songs, folk, jazz, kids' songs, etc. but they have some real gems. Here's a YouTube video of them singing "Your State's Name Here."

Christine Lavin does folk and comedy.

Uncle Bonsai is a pretty funny group.

Moxy Früvous isn't together any more but they have some great tunes.

I heard the Heebee-Jeebees live once - they have a great Star Wars song, if your son might like that, and other comedy.
posted by ysabella at 2:38 AM on November 20, 2009

Lou and Peter Berryman
I recommend "A Chat With Your Mother", "Your State's Name Here", "It's Better Than That", and "Squalor".
posted by Daily Alice at 2:51 AM on November 20, 2009

The Austin Lounge Lizards. I've got their "small minds" album and "shallow end of the gene pool" and "half a mind" are definitely good pics. not sure about other stuff they've got, offhand.

Oh, and Paul and Storm, too.
posted by rmd1023 at 4:06 AM on November 20, 2009

Fred Lane - "French Toast Man"
posted by scruss at 4:26 AM on November 20, 2009

Jonathan Richman - Vampire Girl, I Was Dancing In The Lesbian Bar.
posted by backwards guitar at 4:29 AM on November 20, 2009

Another for Paul and Storm. And the many Shel Silverstein songs performed by Bobby Bare, including:

The Mermaid
Rosalie's Good Eats Cafe
Tequila Sheila
The Winner

And the best-known SS song: A Boy Named Sue, by Johnny Cash.
posted by yclipse at 4:29 AM on November 20, 2009

Mouse on Mars - Doit
posted by krilli at 4:53 AM on November 20, 2009

I made myself a similar mix years ago; some tracks from it already have been mentioned ("Happy Boy", "Happy Happy Joy Joy", Zevon's "Werewolves of London"). To them I'll add:

"Your Feets' Too Big" by Fats Waller
"Illegal Alien" by Genesis (although that may not be wacky enough)
"Istanbul (Not Constantinople)" by They Might Be Giants
"Bang The Drum All Day" by Todd Rundgren
"Volcano" by Jimmy Buffet*
"Does Everyone Stare" by the Police**
"They're Coming To Take Me Away, Ha Ha!" by Napoleon the 14th

And two covers: ***

"Brain Damage", covered by Bim Skala Bim
"Werewolves of London" covered by Jeff Lindley

They Might be Giants have a lot of other options, as well ("Particleman" comes to mind, as does their theme for MALCOM IN THE MIDDLE). I concur with the Monty Python, particularly the Philosopher's Song (and, if you think that his parents wouldn't freak out, "Sit On My Face" -- you'll hit the nascent-hormonal-thing-making-sex-jokes-funny tone perfectly).

Seconding the Tom Waits "Rain Dogs" stuff -- "Cemetery Polka" is your best bet (I am endlessly fascinated by the lyrics' description of someone as "Independent as a hog on ice" -- what does that MEAN???).

* I know, I know, Jimmy Buffet -- but listen to the lyrics. It is an entire song built around the question, "Suppose I was standing on a volcano and it erupted. Where, exactly, would I land?"

** I think this was off "Regatta Del Blanc", and is a cute song on the theme of crushing after a girl and feeling like she's so awesome and you're such a klutz -- my absolute favorite line from the song is "I never noticed the size of my feet until I kicked you in the shins."

*** Both these covers are ska covers. A ska version of Pink Floyd's "Brain Damage" is really a beautiful thing. The "Werewolves of London" cover adds some lines to the last verse which are kind of cute too (after spotting the werewolf at Trader Vic's and saying "His hair was perfect," the singer goes on to describe how crappy he looks himself.)
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 5:52 AM on November 20, 2009

Seconding Arrogant Worms.

Adding: Richard Cheese, Adam Sandler, and Bo Burnham
posted by alon at 5:54 AM on November 20, 2009

Jason Mraz has some good songs that are both clever and poppy: I'll Do Anything is one of my favorites. Not completely G-rated, but also not Bloodhound Gang or Detachable Penis.
Also, Deaf Pedestrians, "Hail to the Geek". And I can never get enough of Flight of the Conchords "Hiphopopotamus vs. Rhymenoceros"
posted by SomeTrickPony at 5:55 AM on November 20, 2009

.....Um. uh, sorry about that "if you think his parents wouldn't freak out" mention -- I somehow inexplicably read "stepson" as "cousin". My apologies.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 5:55 AM on November 20, 2009

I cannot reccomend Allan Sherman enough. You probably have heard "Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah", but check out Hungarian Goulash, and well, everything else he's done.

Also Louis Prima has some actually pretty funny songs, as well, though not straight-up comedy.
posted by CharlesV42 at 7:08 AM on November 20, 2009

Jesse Fuller's "The Monkey and the Engineer" always makes me smile. The Grateful Dead played it too.
posted by gabrielsamoza at 7:27 AM on November 20, 2009

Mississippi Squirrel Revival
posted by Lafe at 8:05 AM on November 20, 2009

I can't believe nobody's mentioned Barenaked Ladies yet. Much of the Gordon album fits the bill: Grade 9, New Kids On The Block, Box Set, Be My Yoko Ono and If I Had $1000000.
posted by salmacis at 8:09 AM on November 20, 2009

What about the Aquabats? I was introduced to them by a pretty immature 16-year-old boy when I was a pretty immature 16-year-old girl, myself. I still love them! Songs that come to mind are Pool Party, Pizza Day, and Awesome Forces.

If Ska appeals, the Planet Smashers are also worth checking out - Missionary's Downfall, Super Orgy Porno Party, and Surfin' in Tofino.
posted by ChuraChura at 9:45 AM on November 20, 2009

A lot of what I was going to suggest has already been mentioned, but there's gotta be some love in this thread for Dr. Hook ("Cover of the Rolling Stone," "I Got Stoned And I Missed It" -- which you probably want to skip but is a funny song) and Mary Prankster ("The World is Full of Bastards," "Tits & Whiskey" -- not PG, "Punk Rock Heaven," "Mac & Cheese," etc.)
posted by notashroom at 9:58 AM on November 20, 2009

"Dan Bern: Jerusalem" makes me giggle every time I hear it. Eric Schwartz is worth a listen thought he does talk about blow jobs (well, Clinton's).
posted by chairface at 4:21 PM on November 20, 2009

That screamy-blues song where the guy is taking a dump and it's difficult and it hurts.
posted by krilli at 4:47 PM on November 20, 2009

"Tips for Teens" by Sparks. (There's a lot of Sparks that could work, but you'll need to listen to it. Some of their songs are a bit, um, risque.)

The boyfriend is weighing in with some DEVO: "Wiggly World", "Snowball", "Space Junk", "DEVO Corporate Anthem". On the DEVO tip, there's also the Polysics.

There's some decently funny Richard Thompson songs on the later albums. I'm fond of "The Story of Hamlet", but "Don't Sit on My Jimmy Shands" has its adherents.

The Feelies are also great: "The Boy with Perpetual Nervousness" might be especially appropriate.

If he's into the showtuney stuff, there are some fun songs on the Jacques Brel is Alive and Well soundtrack -- I love the song "Madeline", about a man who's waiting for a woman who stands him up.
posted by pxe2000 at 5:26 PM on November 20, 2009

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