Looking for book
November 8, 2009 1:30 PM   Subscribe

I am looking for a book that was used as a textbook for an english composition course at Northeastern University in 1999. The book was a compilation of nature essays including Kerouac. I believe the professor was an adjunct at the time who used the book.
posted by kemah201 to Writing & Language (4 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Might it have been Encompassing Nature? I don't have the book, because my professor made copies of the readings from it for us, so I can't see if Kerouac is in it but it sounds like a possibility.
posted by apricot at 3:10 PM on November 8, 2009

Unlikely, but: Natural State: A Literary Anthology of California Nature Writing
by Steven Gilbar, 1998
posted by mmw at 3:12 PM on November 8, 2009

Shoot. I just checked the table of contents and no Kerouac. What about this one though: Forest Beatniks and Urban Thoureaus.
posted by apricot at 3:15 PM on November 8, 2009

Did it happen to have a piece about someone cutting down pine trees that turned out to be the oldest living organisms on earth?
posted by parmanparman at 8:44 PM on November 8, 2009

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