Guitar Hero nights in Indianapolis?
September 15, 2009 12:55 PM   Subscribe

Are there any Indianapolis bars with Guitar Hero nights?

I've been craving Guitar Hero (or Rock Band) ever since getting rid of my PS2 last year, but can't justify the cost of a new console and the game at the moment. Google is proving unhelpful.

The nearer downtown the better. A friend suggested the Vollrath, which I'll be checking out, but their website makes no specific mention of it (there are "a gaming screens" [sic] though).
posted by nostrich to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (1 answer total)
Google indicates a number of locations, plus the Puck Around Bar, and if you have more time than I do on your hands, you can go through this thread.
posted by olinerd at 1:05 PM on September 15, 2009

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