Swiss passport holder trying to do seasonal work in france
September 5, 2009 1:39 AM   Subscribe

Australian holding a swiss passport and looking to do some seasonal work (less than 2 weeks) in france while travelling.

I know france and switzerland have an agreement to streamline work permits but have not been able to find where to get the permit and how long it will take as my french is rusty. Also how easy the process is and if it is worth it for a 2 week stint. I have the job lined up just need the permit!
posted by Raff to Work & Money (6 answers total)
Australian or Austrian?
posted by Dagobert at 2:37 AM on September 5, 2009

Response by poster: Australia! or i don't think i would have a work permit problem...
posted by Raff at 3:06 AM on September 5, 2009

According to the PDF here, from the Swiss Migration Agency, Swiss citizens don't need a work permit in France.
posted by dhoe at 9:12 AM on September 5, 2009

A great way to make some quick cash is doing day work on private yachts. Generally they would have you wash down a boat or some type of cleanup. Walk the docks anywhere from Monaco to Cannes looking presentable and you should make at least 100 euro for an 8 hour day. Check crew agencies as well they usually have jobs real early in the morning. All the crew agencies are based out of Antibes. Hope that helps!
posted by bravowhiskey at 9:33 AM on September 5, 2009

If you have a valid Swiss passport, you are a Swiss citizen. I guess you have dual citizenship.

Since Schengen came into effect in 2008, Swiss citizens do not need permits to work legally in France.
posted by thread_makimaki at 11:39 AM on September 5, 2009

(and if you want to be doubly sure, you should ask your friendly Swiss embassy/consulate, not Ask MeFi, as great as it is. )
posted by thread_makimaki at 11:45 AM on September 5, 2009

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