Find a Date Tonight Website
August 15, 2009 11:48 AM   Subscribe

I am looking for a web site whose services are available in only a few markets--Chicago was one of them, maybe Atlanta and New York. The site was a dating site, but if I recall the concept, it was a date tonight or date within four hours. Very at random. But not I've tried "sites like" on google but have come up short. Has anyone else seen this site?
posted by tesseract420 to Human Relations (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Best answer: Crazy Blind Date?
posted by grouse at 11:54 AM on August 15, 2009

Response by poster: That's it. I love Metafilter.
posted by tesseract420 at 12:07 PM on August 15, 2009

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