Song for a striptease
July 30, 2009 11:50 AM   Subscribe

Song suggestions needed for a pseudo striptease!

I'm throwing a stagette tonight for a friend. The theme is woodsmen/lumberjacks and we have a surprise guest. My friend's brother-in-law flew in from South America this morning (he's there for work and wasn't supposed to make it for the wedding). He's dressing up as a woodsman and doing a striptease where he'll reveal his identity (rather than his junk). But we need a song, something hilarious and cheesy for him to dance to -- if it's thematically relevant, even better. Help us out! Suggest the most hilarious songs for a striptease you can think of!
posted by Felicity Rilke to Media & Arts (13 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
The logdriver's waltz. Not very sleazy but thematically appropriate, even if old-timey.
posted by benzenedream at 11:56 AM on July 30, 2009

There is only one: The Lumberjack Song!
posted by Vaike at 11:57 AM on July 30, 2009 [2 favorites]

The song starts at :40 or so. Dancing to it might be a tough one but it is certainly cheesy and hilarious.
posted by milqman at 11:58 AM on July 30, 2009

That Fascinating Thing by the Squirrel Nut Zippers almost sounds like it was created in a lab for burlesque purposes.
posted by EatTheWeek at 11:59 AM on July 30, 2009

Hey Big Spender is the classic. Not sure it works with lumberjacks.
posted by TWinbrook8 at 12:08 PM on July 30, 2009

Truly awful band Jackyl has a truly awful song called The Lumberjack that features a chainsaw.
posted by dortmunder at 12:08 PM on July 30, 2009

Couldn't remember the name of the band that dortmunder just suggested, but it was the very first one that came to mind. Awful, awful, but spot on to a striptease.
posted by Grlnxtdr at 12:14 PM on July 30, 2009

Vaike, you beat me to it! However, there's still the penultimate: The Stripper.

Interesting digression: The composer of The Stripper also composed the theme for Little House on the Prairie.
posted by litterateur at 12:20 PM on July 30, 2009 [2 favorites]

"Cross Cut Saw Blues" - Good, slow strip.
"Forest For The Trees" - Everything's more fun with Huey.
posted by sadiehawkinstein at 12:20 PM on July 30, 2009

Nthing Monty Python's The Lumberjack Song.
posted by mrhaydel at 12:57 PM on July 30, 2009

Let's all get along: start with the Python song, segue into the Jackyl.
posted by Halloween Jack at 1:03 PM on July 30, 2009

I think the Lumberjack Song followed by Yakity Sax (the Benny Hill song) is the only way to go.
posted by advicepig at 1:57 PM on July 30, 2009

Put Another Log on the Fire.

That would be funny.
posted by lottie at 4:47 PM on July 30, 2009

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