How to get wordperfect registration pop up to stop on Vista
May 8, 2009 4:18 PM

Is there anyway to get Wordperfect 12 registration alert box to stop popping up everytime I login to my Windows vista accounts?

Okay so wordperfect 12 ( agreeably an outdated version which surely predates vista) runs fine in Vista in terms of word processing, except that even though I registered the product through the web I still get the registration pop-up thingie each time I login to any of my windows vista accounts on my cpu.

Is there a way to change the registry settings manually to stop this annoying pop-up from popping up with each login?

I know one has to be very careful when making changes to the registry. Any advice is appreciated.
posted by Twinedog to Computers & Internet (3 answers total)
Register it?
posted by rokusan at 4:28 PM on May 8, 2009

If its showing up when you login, remove the startup entry? (In your programs group or in msconfig)
posted by wongcorgi at 4:30 PM on May 8, 2009

wongcorgi has it; msconfig is your solution.

  • Hold the 'Windows' key while you press the 'r' key. This will bring up the 'Run' dialogue in the bottom left corner.

  • Type 'msconfig' and press enter. This will bring up the system configuration tool.

  • Go to the 'Startup' tab. Under the 'startup item' list, find 'Wordperfect 12 Registration Notice' or whatever it's called; it shouldn't be hard to identify.

  • First, make a note of what's under the 'Command' column for the Wordperfect thing you find; that entry will tell you where the obnoxious program that keeps bugging you is. If you like, you can go and delete it; it clearly isn't essential.

  • Then, uncheck the box next to the Wordperfect thing and press 'Apply'. Now this won't won't run any more on startup.

  • posted by koeselitz at 4:47 PM on May 8, 2009

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