There such a things as "Administrative Assistants' Day"? Sorry, never had a secretary before: what should I give as a late gift?
April 23, 2009 11:20 AM

Oh no! I forgot "Administrative Assistants' Day" - what should I do / get my secretary to make it up to her? Any gift ideas?

I've never had an administrative assistant / secretary and never knew there was such a thing as "admin assistants' day". I, like everyone else in my office (though I'm the youngest / newest), forgot or never knew about the day, but our secretaries knew about it and they are not happy -- actually, mostly they're charming and dismissive of the whole thing, but I do feel like doing or getting something ASAP.

My secretary (who I share with 3 others) would normally be getting flowers because that my usual option when I screw up. I have a friend who makes crazy good truffles, another standard ... scary that I have "standard" solutions to my screw ups, probably means I screw up too often ... oy.

But what should I get her? What should I do to make it up?

I haven't been here long and my secretary was transferred to me about 4 weeks ago, so I don't know too much about her tastes. Here's my best go at what might matter for a gift - She is:
*In her 30's,
*Fashionable (though I know next to nothing about fashion)
*Works in a cubicle in the hallway
*Can be serious, but is usually funny/sarcastic

Thanks a million for your help and ideas - if you want to ask questions, you can email me at
posted by anonymous to Human Relations (17 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Flowers might be too personal, and hey, they always wilt. I'm loathe to go the gift certificate route, but since you don't know her too well, that might be the answer.

I love Chipotle, so that's what I would go with. But then I'm hungry, and possibly not thinking straight.
posted by elder18 at 11:22 AM on April 23, 2009

There are two ways to go with this, and it depends a little on the culture of your organization.

If you want to do something public, that says to everyone else in the office "she's great and I appreciate her" get her flowers or balloons or some such thing.

If you want to recognize how hard she works, find a way to let her go home at lunchtime tomorrow, and give her the rest of the day off with pay (and a nice handwritten note).
posted by anastasiav at 11:23 AM on April 23, 2009

My bosses pitched in and got me a gift certifcate to a great restaurant I've been meaning to try. My husband was very happy about this too. One of them also gave me an inexpensive bouquet of flowers, because she said she thinks it's nice to have something tangible.

I was very pleased.

I swear to goodness though - I've said it before and I'll say it again - nothing is better than just having a boss who you know appreciates you. Beats any present, at least in my book.
posted by Evangeline at 11:29 AM on April 23, 2009

Back when I was one, the Admin Assistants Day gift I appreciated the least was the card "signed" by the whole department, with most of the signatures obviously forged. She'll surely know you forgot, but try not to make whatever you come up with feel like an afterthought.

Also, what anastasiav said.
posted by Karmakaze at 11:34 AM on April 23, 2009

Leaving early, even if only a couple hours, is the best gift. As long as she won't have to catch up on work the day after, it will be deeply appreciated.
posted by Optimus Chyme at 11:34 AM on April 23, 2009

Back in college, I did a stretch of work as an admin and an EA. Flowers are nice for the tangibility factor.

If there's some service in the area like or that allow you to send a gift certificate that can be used at a multitude of restaurants in the area (or near where she lives), that might be cool.

Just own up to forgetting and say why. "This is the first time I've ever had the honor of working with an assistant, I am so sorry I forgot!"
posted by jerseygirl at 11:40 AM on April 23, 2009

I thought it was now "Administrative Assistant's Appreciation Week." (it certainly has changed since "Secretaries' Day . . . ") But anyway, if it really is a week, then you're not later if you do something tomorrow. Especially if you make it Friday-specific it'll look like you planned it all along (like at 2:30, present movie/ dinner gift certificates and tell her to go use them- right now!)
posted by lblair at 12:03 PM on April 23, 2009

I think when they watered it down from Secretary to "Administrative Assistant", the resulting puddle spread out into an entire week, so you have time left.

Both chocolate and flowers are fine, but I'd just tell her you appreciate all her help, and since it's Adminwhatever week, give her Friday off.
posted by rokusan at 12:38 PM on April 23, 2009

Gifts I've appreciated the most for Admin Addistant's day:

Paid time off
Gift certificate/cash substitute
A personal note with something specific my boss appreciated about working with me

I've found one on one lunches to be a well-meaning, but a bit awkward, but of course that depends on your relationship with your admin.

Better late than never, it's no fun to be overlooked!
posted by Space Kitty at 12:43 PM on April 23, 2009

(Addistant? Good thing I'm not an assistant anymore - my proofreading's shot to hell!)
posted by Space Kitty at 12:44 PM on April 23, 2009

I always liked the "cash/gift certificate" thing, but also agree that the best gift in the long run is a boss who appreciates you (and who makes it known to The Powers That Be when it's appraisal time).
posted by Lucinda at 12:48 PM on April 23, 2009

Take her out for lunch. Even if you can't do it during the "official" week, ask her now - tell her "I've been so busy that I couldn't arrange it earlier, but would you join me for lunch next [insert day] to belatedly celebrate Administrative Assistant's Day?" In all my years of office work, among the corsages and flower arrangements and tiny trinkets, the "gifts" I most cherished and remembered are when my boss took me out to lunch. Sometimes it was at a five-star restaurant, sometimes at the local buffet-style place. Either way, just the gesture of some one-on-one time meant a lot.

Incidentally, this post reminded me of my very first office job. I worked part-time via my high school's co-op program, and I wasn't anyone's secretary. I was the telex operator. But the head of my department included me when he took his two secretaries out to lunch for Secretaries Day (I think strictly because I was the only other female in his department, and he didn't want me to feel left out). That was 20+ years ago, and I still remember that luncheon fondly.
posted by Oriole Adams at 1:26 PM on April 23, 2009

I'm an admin assistant with three bosses (I work for one, and help out the other two). One got me a balloon, candy and a card, one got me flowers, and the last and actual boss forgot, but then ran out and got me a new mug from Starbucks with a Starbucks card inside.

The last was the most appreciated. Although the flowers are lovely as well. And I can't eat candy, so that didn't do much for me but make everyone else happy.

I would NOT want to be taken out to lunch by my boss. What on Earth would we talk about?
posted by elsietheeel at 1:53 PM on April 23, 2009

Gift certificate to a restaurant or to a coffee place, like Starbucks. If you know she frequents a certain coffee shop, that would be best. I had a boss who gave us generous gift cards to the coffee shop we all went to, that was downstairs from the office, and I know it was well-received. I enjoyed it (until that coffee shop went out of business, dern).
posted by fructose at 3:42 PM on April 23, 2009

I would NOT want to be taken out to lunch by my boss. What on Earth would we talk about?

Well, that's part of the point - you get to know one another. When I was taken out on my first Secretaries Day lunch, I was a terrified 16-year-old out with a 30-something boss (which was ancient in my book at the time). But over lunch we got to know one another as "people" - we talked about what I did in my spare time, as did he, what TV shows we each watched, etc. It ended up being far more casual and relaxing than I'd pictured.
posted by Oriole Adams at 4:02 PM on April 23, 2009

Let me help you out here-it's actually Administrative Assistant's WEEK which contains Administrative Assistant's Day.

You can still get them flowers-heck, at my florist we also carry mylar balloons with appropriate sentiments on them (To the Best Assistant, Happy Administration Day, etc.)

Call your local florist first thing tomorrow-betcha they can help ya.
posted by St. Alia of the Bunnies at 7:15 PM on April 23, 2009

Flowers or a plant that she can put on her desk and show off that some one appreciates her. I received a lovely bouquet from another employee this year and was happy. However, not one of my four managers even acknowledged it (not even a card!) which ticked me off just a bit. I'm not really a fancy "celebrate every hallmark day possible" type of person, but a little thank you note would have been nice, especially since I have been told at other random times how much they appreciate my work. So, in my opinion, it doesn't have to be anything big (flowers, gift card for lunch) but don't just ignore it either.
posted by silkygreenbelly at 9:05 PM on April 23, 2009

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