Want this jacket!
January 14, 2009 10:50 PM   Subscribe

Looking for a like men's denim jacket from a music video.

I'm looking for a denim jacket much like the one the lead singer wears in Vertical Horizon's "Everything You Want" (best shots of it are :26 to :30). Namely that color and the number of buttons. Something just like that jacket. I don't really want to go overboard on spending, but I want to see if something just like it is out there. I'm a small.
posted by daninnj to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (2 answers total)
Looks like a plain old Levi's jacket. As seen here .
I've seen them in "thrift stores" inexpensive. Or most retailers. Small , and I guess we presume female since you said "like men's".
posted by Agamenticus at 5:21 AM on January 15, 2009

I'd check Diesel also although the cut looks a little loose for them but the wash and the quality are there.

You could also check G-Star for something similar (beautiful cuts, too) and they do really lovely dark washes.

I dunno, it's one of those jackets that you might wear for years and will become a favorite so ponying up for something mid-range ain't so bad.

Check ebay.

But it looks like boutique denim to me (although Levi's has really stepped it up in the last few years fashion-wise - check the new lines and not the basics).
posted by HolyWood at 8:32 AM on January 15, 2009

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