How to see the inauguration on a BIG screen in Indy?
January 8, 2009 5:53 PM   Subscribe

How do I host an inauguration viewing party at a movie theater? Or, advice on convincing a Indianapolis theater owner to do it him/herself?

A friend from Asheville mentioned that a growing movement of movie theaters will be showing the inauguration on the big screen. Awesome! Except (1) I can't find a theater in Indy actually doing this, (2) I don't know anyone who owns a theater and (3) I don't have the cash to rent a movie theater and invite a ton of friends.

Things I can do:
1. Invite TONS of people via local political groups.
2. Identify local media to promote the event.

Given the circumstances (lack of time and money), what would be the best way to move forward?
posted by meindee to Society & Culture (4 answers total)
One would think that the local Democratic party might be interested in sponsoring such an event for political purposes. Renting a theatre can be surprisingly cheap - I've seen as low as $50/hour at an independent theatre if you're willing to do all the work yourself.
posted by saeculorum at 6:20 PM on January 8, 2009

Go to the Keystone and ask. When I was a projectionist at a different Landmark Cinema, we had a program making the theater available for video game rental parties, and on one memorable occasion, rented our 2nd largest auditorium to whoever was promoting the latest "Little Einstein" DVD. 2 people showed up with their kids.

Basically, if you get more people in seats than they'd normally draw on a Tuesday morning (which let me assure, is not many), the manager may be willing to work with you. If you can get your attendees to buy a lot of popcorn and soda (and raise their percaps, which those theaters live and die by), they'll be even more interested.

And now that I dig a little, you should fill out this form.
posted by god hates math at 7:10 PM on January 8, 2009 [1 favorite]

The American Cabaret Theatre has large projectors, space for 300 and is available that Tuesday. I know because our group decided not to do a big event there on such a short time frame when we could be working on our National Day of Service event. If you are willing to put together the event and think you can pull in enough people to make it worthwhile let me known -- my co-organizer has the connections to get it for free or almost free.

The local dems / Black Expo people are hosting an event at the Julia Carson Center, although I heard it was more formal and for the Democratic insiders. We decided to just do another house party, more in line with what we've done in the past.
posted by ChrisHartley at 8:32 PM on January 8, 2009 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: Okay, okay... I'm heading to a HUGE event that was just announced. Thanks for the very specific advice, though. I'm thankful for you, MeFites!
posted by meindee at 4:36 PM on January 9, 2009

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