Crafty DC Shopping?
December 5, 2008 1:45 PM

Crafty Gift Filter: Help! I need a place in the DC metro area that sells crafty gifts.

I'm especially looking for hand-knitted scarves and socks or hip Crafty Bastards-type stuff. I struck out at the Holiday Market this afternoon.

Normally I'd go to Etsy but I need the stuff in my hands by Wednesday evening.
posted by JoanArkham to Shopping (11 answers total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
Check out Eastern Market on Sunday?
posted by General Malaise at 1:55 PM on December 5, 2008

I would second the eastern market suggestion.

Anyone know if the dupont farmers market (on Sunday) has any crafty-stuff type tables? Or is it just food there?
posted by inigo2 at 1:58 PM on December 5, 2008

It might be worth it to check Etsy anyway and filter it for local items only. Last year for Christmas I bought several gifts from Etsy locally and was able to pick them up from the sellers.
posted by smich at 2:04 PM on December 5, 2008

Nthing Eastern Market for TONS of crafty things, but you may also want to check out the "DC Holiday Market" on F Street (down near Verizon) in the afternoons between now and Christmas.
posted by nkknkk at 2:46 PM on December 5, 2008

Well crap, I just saw you struck out there. Sorry.
posted by nkknkk at 2:47 PM on December 5, 2008

I was a vendor for a while at Eastern Market and would also recommend it. However, I would suggest Saturday as the more crafty day. Sunday, which has crafters, also has a lot of flea market type stuff, where it's more of a farmer's market on Saturday.
I also have friends who are doing the holiday market that you had no luck at. The vendors will actually be changing throughout due to the demand. One of my friends only got offered to do the last five days, another only got them scattered. So maybe next week try back again.
posted by princelyfox at 3:03 PM on December 5, 2008

there is a Christmas bazaar at House of Sweden on Saturday.. haven't been there before, so.. YMMV

Oh, hey- Meeps DC, local designers.. maybe worth a look.
posted by citron at 3:22 PM on December 5, 2008

There is Craft Mutiny Holiday Booty Market tomorrow at National City Christian Church at Thomas Circle. I went last year -- it's a small show, but fun. I bought a couple of things.

This link may help you a little bit more. There is also a show in Baltimore on Sunday, if you want to drive that far.
posted by darksong at 4:26 PM on December 5, 2008

Thanks all! Great suggestions. I am way out in the burbs with no car this weekend, but I might try to make the trek in to Eastern Market via Metro.

The Holiday Market was excellent, BTW and I picked up a few things. The knit items and jewelry I saw were all a little more high-end than I'm looking for though.
posted by JoanArkham at 4:40 PM on December 5, 2008

Along 14th St, between, say, Q and T: Ms Pixie's, Go Mama Go, and a bunch of other boutiques.
posted by me & my monkey at 5:35 PM on December 5, 2008

I know this is old, but I thought you might be interested.

The knit items and jewelry I saw were all a little more high-end than I'm looking for though.

That's in no small part because they doubled the per-day rents to have a booth at the Holiday Market from last year, from $75 to $150. People at Eastern Market are paying closer to $20 for a table.
posted by phearlez at 3:14 PM on January 20, 2009

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