Replace my Samael coffee cup
November 14, 2008 9:00 AM   Subscribe

Back in the 90s, Century Media made a lot of 1,000 (if I remember correctly) black Samael coffee cups showing (if I remember correctly) both the moon from the cover of Passage and the yin/yang design from Rebellion. It was my favorite coffee cup ever, and somebody swiped mine. Anyone got any idea where I can find another? There must still be some out there somewhere!
posted by Wolfdog to Media & Arts (2 answers total)
I'll ask the security guard at work if she has one. She's a big Samael fan.
posted by sciurus at 9:39 AM on November 15, 2008

The security guard recommended calling Relapse Records at 1.800.303.0606, since the actually take phone orders. I looked on their site and they don't seem to have any Samael mugs, but if their customer service is as nice as Zina suggests, then they might be able to offer you some direction. Have you tried calling Century Media? I dug through their site and ended up finding this page for their EU headquarters contact.
posted by sciurus at 4:05 PM on November 19, 2008

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