Questions in the Work & Money category.
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February 28
Adobe window resizing on Mac - How to make it stop?
Since either the most recent Adobe update or the most recent mac OS update, I find that my windows in Acrobat expand to full screen whenever I move them off to one side or another. This is no bueno for my workflow: I need two PDFs to sit side-by-side. What setting do I need to change to make this happen?
Seeking Project Management Strategies & Tools for High-Volume
Seeking Project Management Strategies & Tools for High-Volume Implementation (ADHD-Friendly)
I manage 20-40 mini-projects (weeks to months to implement) at a time, handling both the planning and implementation myself. My biggest struggle? Keeping track of everything. I need a system that helps me see what’s next, track what I’ve promised, follow up on stuck items, and plan a daily outlook. [more inside]
Job for a late-thirties person with social anxiety and ADHD?
I have an acquaintance who has a pattern of (a) successfully interviewing for a software job, (b) faux-casually promising more than they can deliver for specific assigned tasks, (c) not being able to persevere / getting paralyzingly frustrated, (d) becoming too anxious / feeling "in too deep" to ask questions, and (e) quitting the job, rather than getting help from a colleague or their manager. [more inside]
February 24
Advice forming business partnership involving different creative roles?
I'm working with two others on a development pitch for a video game. Im trying to figure out my position in the partnership as the visual artist. [more inside]
How does a small theater group in NYC afford a 40 million dollar theater
How does a non-profit theater group like The People's Theatre, which most recently had a bit over 2 million in donations per year, afford a 40 million dollar theater in "a mixed-income residential building". [more inside]
Need Job Posting for a Middle Manager of Undetermined Team Size
We're about to post a job for a middle manager. We don't know at this point whether they'll end up directly supervising two people or three people. Every option we can think of to address this ambiguity in the job posting language (e.g., "will supervise two-to-three employees") is unsatisfactory for some reason or another. Please suggest options for us to consider.
February 23
What's wrong with me? Why do I find job searching so hard?
Seriously... what the hell? Why have I always found job searching (from looking at job postings to resume and cover letter writing to interviewing) so absurdly difficult? It has always triggered an overwhelming sense of anxiety and dread within me. I've gotten jobs, interviewed successfully before, but it is such a challenge. This anxiety and dread has truly held my career back and now I'm feeling stuck. How do I get over it? It's getting truly ridiculous. [more inside]
February 21
Rampant inequities, boss won't do anything
In short, I've been working at an organization for a few months. I've noticed that many staff come in late and leave early, which is a clear departure from our policies. I've approached my boss (our director) about this multiple times, and he has said he agrees it is a problem and will address it, but he doesn't. As the only one coming in for my scheduled hours, I am being assigned more and more work. I am also a middle-management position myself and would be willing to address this with our staff but am not getting the go-ahead from my boss and am worried that, even if I do address it, it will not have any impact as long as the director seems fine with how things are. Any advice would be appreciated! Please read below for more details. Thanks! [more inside]
Difficult career decision - do I take the promotion to management?
I have been given 2 opportunities at work and I'm struggling with the decision. I've been working at this company for about 2 years. I'm a high performer but I have never been a people leader. Upper management like me and have considered me for a promotion, especially after my boss just left the organization . [more inside]
February 20
Missing bank account
Long story short, I am on a bank account with 2 other people who have since passed. [more inside]
February 19
401k tax question x_x
Old employer sent my 401k balance to me. I know I need to report this on my do? [more inside]
February 18
Navigating a work conflict between two coworkers
I have two coworkers - let's call them Tonya and Beth. Tonya has more tenure and Beth is newer to the team. I get along well with both. From the beginning, Beth came in with some pre-conceived notion about Tonya so she was a little closed off to her, which made Tonya not particularly fond of Beth. [more inside]
February 17
DirectTV doesn't require a loan, right?
My sister told me she is getting DirectTV for her house, which, sure, whatever. But she also tells me that there was a hiccup in the process when they tried to access her credit since her credit is locked, and they had to use her husband's instead. Does this ring alarm bells for anyone else? I'm not sure how this is supposed to work. [more inside]
Maintaining focus in second-language meetings
In my new position, I have to attend meetings that take place in French. I can follow the French only if I maintain absolutely disciplined focus on what is being said. How can I do that? [more inside]
February 16
Can the price of a new house be too low?
I'm looking at a house that's listed at $50,000 and have a mortgage preapproval for 50,000. I know this is often around the lowest amount that mortgage lenders will consider. If I make an offer for 40,000 and it's accepted, could that difference be a reason for the mortgage not to be finalized?
February 15
Work hole of my making
I'm probably not being super upfront with my leadership and burying how bad we're doing in status reports with the client. They know there are issues, ie. (Yellow, missed deadline by a week or two), not red (Missing deadlines by a month). I really need to tell and come to jesus and tell my leadership and be super upfront. What is my script? How do I prepare for this when it's going to make me look super bad for not being upfront? Is there anyway I can couch this to be so not so bad? [more inside]
February 14
How do I job search without getting totally overwhelmed?
I'm ready to start looking for a new job, but all my old job search anxieties are re-surfacing. How can I job search while maintaining my sanity, without becoming an overly anxious mess? [more inside]
February 13
Bro do you even yield?
What is your High Yield Savings Account and do you like it? I need to move some savings into a HYSA and I have analysis paralysis for some reason. [more inside]
February 12
Financial safety in the age of Musk
So, now that not only does Musk have access to data of people across the USA, but he's also seized money from New York, what are prudent steps to take to keep money safe these days?
February 11
How would you manage this type of information?
At my work, we deal with repeated situations where we have to manage a large number of lengthy responses to questions, as well as comments on those responses. We need ways to manage the details, and right now, we are mostly using annoyingly elaborate spreadsheets with a lot of version control problems. What tools or methodologies or ideas do you have on how to manage the info? [more inside]