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Questions About Grand Canyon Village, AZ
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November 16, 2015

Road trip: Austin, TX to the Grand Canyon

I've never been to the Grand Canyon. Isn't that terrible? I have next week off of work and am thinking about taking a road trip to go see it. I've also never been to the Painted Desert or the Petrified Forest, so I ought to do those as well. [more inside]
posted by sevensnowflakes around Grand Canyon Village, AZ at 8:47 PM - 10 answers has best

April 11, 2012

Roadtrip from Michigan to The Grand Canyon in June. Help me make it awesome!

Looking for activities and places to stop on the way to the Grand Canyon in June. [more inside]
posted by bricksNmortar around Grand Canyon Village, AZ at 7:21 AM - 10 answers