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Questions About Anchorage, AK
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March 23, 2023

What to do for a day in Anchorage with no car?

I will be in Anchorage for about a day and a half in early April for work, with no car. [more inside]
posted by skycrashesdown around Anchorage, AK at 9:27 AM - 4 answers has best

March 10, 2023

Uber/Lyft availability in Anchorage, AK

Wanted to see if anyone knows if Uber/Lyft are widely available in Anchorage, Alaska! [more inside]
posted by skycrashesdown around Anchorage, AK at 1:50 PM - 4 answers has best

September 6, 2022

Anchorage, again

I'll be in Denali for 3 nights, then spending Saturday afternoon/evening and all day Sunday in Anchorage before flying back out Monday morning, September 18. The tourism people may be trundling me around, but I'd still like to explore on my own. Looking over previous questions, it seems there's a good historic ghost tour Sunday evenings and a pirate pub crawl Saturday. Other recommendations? Any locals going to the pub crawl? I'm especially interested in consuming my body weight in crab, and love dive bars. Thanks!
posted by cyndigo around Anchorage, AK at 10:55 AM - 2 answers

August 7, 2013

Anchorage without a car

I will have an evening and a day in Anchorage without a car. I'd love to see some wildlife and spend lots of time looking at the mountains. Also open to other ideas. What should I do and where should I go, and how should I get there without a car? [more inside]
posted by lunasol around Anchorage, AK at 11:07 AM - 9 answers

March 25, 2013

Help us plan our vacation in Anchorage

Mr. BlahLaLa, KidBlahLaLa and I will be in Anchorage for four days in late June. Help us find stuff to do! [more inside]
posted by BlahLaLa around Anchorage, AK at 8:04 PM - 16 answers has best

December 22, 2012

Good day spas in and around Anchorage AK?

I'm spending next week with family in southcentral Alaska and I'd like to take my mom to a nice day spa in the area. I'm not having much luck getting a sense of what places are good from online searches. I'm basically looking for a great, warm atmosphere and quality massages. It doesn't have to be super-fancy (but that would ok too!), but it does need to be an enjoyable place--not run-down or unfriendly, if that makes sense. Are there any hidden gems that I should look into?
posted by missix around Anchorage, AK at 5:54 AM - 1 answer

March 12, 2010

Anchored down in Anchorage . . . What to do?

Anchorage, next week. What's going on? What should I check out? Where can I take some lively kids? Take a family to dinner? Hide with my laptop? [more inside]
posted by fourcheesemac around Anchorage, AK at 7:04 AM - 8 answers has best

September 8, 2007

Desperate Packing Filter: A Month in Alaska!!?

Starting next week, I'm going to be spending four lovely weeks in Anchorage, Alaska and the surrounding area. All I get to bring with me is what I can lug on the plane of course... and I don't want to be 4000 miles from home without the essentials! What should I bring to be appropriately dressed for the weather? [more inside]
posted by keribear around Anchorage, AK at 8:37 PM - 5 answers has best

September 14, 2006

Help me escape Anchorage for 36 hours!

I'll be alone in Anchorage, Alaska next weekend with a limited budget and no plans. Help! [more inside]
posted by isthenewblack around Anchorage, AK at 7:06 AM - 8 answers