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Questions About Galway, Ireland
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May 7, 2014
Galway Races Issues
My extended family, 29 people, will be visiting Ireland in the Summer of 2015. Yay! Because of the size of our group, We have already booked some accommodations. Our plan was to be in Galway on the final weekend, Aug 1 & 2, 2015, which is the Galway Races. Will this enhance or disrupt our experience? Details inside. [more inside]
August 7, 2010
Help me with a move to Galway, Ireland!
I've just been shortlisted for an academic position at the National University of Ireland, Galway campus, but I'm currently living in Australia! Help me with the logistics of starting to consider this move, how we might do it and what Ireland (and NUI Galway, Galway the town) is actually like! [more inside]
April 17, 2008
Irish music in Galway City
Can anyone recommend a good place for traditional Irish music near the Jurys Inn on Quay St in Galway City?
August 20, 2007
Dublin to Galway advice?
Hi There
I am travelling from Dublin to Cong (30 miles north of Galway) in a couple of weeks. Can anyone recommend somewhere to stop off for a coffee and a bite to eat about halfway across?
Thanks folks!