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Questions About Sydney, Australia
Displaying 21 through 40 of 52. Subscribe: Ask MetaFitler Questions Around Sydney, Australia

July 27, 2014

Are we spending too much on bus fare in Sydney?

Currently my partner commutes to work from Enmore to Lane Cove. It is costing around $12 per day, I've googled around for cheaper ways but come up with nothing - are we missing some way to cut the cost or do we have to suck it up? [more inside]
posted by everydayanewday around Sydney, Australia at 7:56 PM - 4 answers

February 4, 2014

Find me places to eat in Sydney

Visiting Sydney at the end of this month. When I'm on vacation it always gets to the end of a long day, I'm tired, hungry, but can never pick a place to eat dinner. Help me plan 8 great locations so that I don't starve! Also, any tips on general Sydney things to do would be appreciated (but mainly asking about dinner locations). Details inside... [more inside]
posted by sbutler around Sydney, Australia at 3:48 PM - 19 answers has best

September 6, 2012

Hotelzzz at Sydney Airport

What's the nearest bed to Arrivals at Sydney airport? I'll be fresh off a 24 hour journey and I can never sleep on planes. I don't mind paying, but any advice on airport hotels, especially any to avoid, much appreciated...
posted by cromagnon around Sydney, Australia at 8:28 PM - 11 answers

February 16, 2012

Help me take advantage of a last-minute invitation to Sydney

I just got invited to spend a week or so with some friends in Sydney, Australia (yay!). But the flight is going to be long and painful enough that I'd like to go for longer, and probably get a little ways out of Sydney. But I do not want to drive. Is the following feasible, doable without driving, and reasonable for an older (60ish) woman on her own? [more inside]
posted by still_wears_a_hat around Sydney, Australia at 2:48 PM - 11 answers

October 18, 2011

Kid-friendly accomodation in close proximity to Port Jackson

Where to stay in Sydney when the kids are along for the ride? [more inside]
posted by N-stoff around Sydney, Australia at 8:50 PM - 5 answers

October 13, 2011

Get me out of Sydney so I can get some work done

Sydneyfilter: I have a lot of written work to get done and I'd like to take a short break from Sydney to do it. I imagine writing in a quiet room with a view of nature, perhaps taking occasional breaks to stroll in a garden, through the bush or along a beach. Where can I stay that's relatively affordable (under $100 a night), accessible without a car, and no more than four hours from Sydney?
posted by embrangled around Sydney, Australia at 5:18 PM - 9 answers

September 25, 2011


Help me plan a free weekend in Sydney in October. No car. Staying near Hyde Park. Would like to see a beach. [more inside]
posted by bluelava around Sydney, Australia at 12:36 PM - 11 answers has best

September 18, 2011

Eating our way around the West

Sydneyfilter: An expatriate friend has expressed an interest in exploring the culinary delights of Western Sydney. For the purposes of this question, let's define 'Western' as everything west of, well, Newtown. We'll probably spend a Saturday exploring by train. My list of options so far includes banh mi in Marrickville and baklava in Lakemba. Where else should we stop and what else should we eat?
posted by embrangled around Sydney, Australia at 4:37 AM - 12 answers has best

April 17, 2011

Places around Sydney for Day Trips

[SydneyFilter] The Easter holidays are upon us, and we aren't going anywhere. Right now, it seems likely that we'd only be able to do day trips (same day return, no overnight stays) to places around Sydney. Where should we go? [more inside]
posted by vidur around Sydney, Australia at 9:21 PM - 16 answers has best

April 4, 2011

Sort of specific fun in Sydney

Sydney (AU) MeFites, I need some specific must-see suggestions. [more inside]
posted by ryanshepard around Sydney, Australia at 8:34 AM - 12 answers has best

March 4, 2011

Sydney bound

I am in Sydney for two days (this Sunday and Monday). What would you recommend to a mid-twenties single female lesbian for a fun, interesting time in Sydney. I will be there a week total but with a larger group of five. I want stuff I can do solo (for these two days) before I meet up with them. [more inside]
posted by timpanogos around Sydney, Australia at 9:16 AM - 11 answers has best

February 15, 2011

How to get the most out of Sydney's Gay Mardi Gras?

What's the best way to experience Sydney's Mardi Gras parade on March 5th? When does the parade start, where should I watch it from, and what associated events are worth going to? [more inside]
posted by fermion around Sydney, Australia at 6:11 PM - 12 answers

January 6, 2011

advice for soon to be expat in Sydney

Please give me advice for traveling to and living/working in Sydney. [more inside]
posted by bleary around Sydney, Australia at 1:15 PM - 36 answers

October 15, 2010

A kangaroo's pouch would probably suffice

Going to Sydney for three weeks in November. How do I find decent, affordable accommodations? [more inside]
posted by sinfony around Sydney, Australia at 12:05 AM - 10 answers has best

August 10, 2010

Yee Haw, Road Trip

I am driving from Coolangatta Gold Coast to Sydney next week - taking five days - and am interested in hearing your sightseeing/accommodation recommendations. [more inside]
posted by honey-barbara around Sydney, Australia at 10:53 PM - 13 answers has best

August 4, 2010

Sydney business accommodation

I am looking for advice on accommodation for my regular business travel to Sydney. [more inside]
posted by AnnaRat around Sydney, Australia at 6:58 PM - 13 answers

July 29, 2010

All my time in Sydney, or break it up?

It's my first time visiting Australia, and I have a week to spend. Should I spend it all in Sydney, or is it worth visiting another city / location as well? [more inside]
posted by armage around Sydney, Australia at 6:06 PM - 22 answers

February 12, 2010

Moving to Syndey, Australia - Meeting new people?

I'm moving to Sydney, Australia from the UK in a few months. Going to be working and staying in serviced apartment for first month then looking to move in to 1-bed or share. Does anyone have any good tips on meeting new people in the area? Any good online forums, places where I can put up an ad to meet new people in the area, local clubs, groups, friendly pubs, societies, etc?
posted by aTrumpetandaDream around Sydney, Australia at 6:50 AM - 5 answers

January 11, 2010

Gifts from Australia

I am in Sydney. What gifts can I take with me to my nieces and nephews when I visit them in overseas? Maybe something Australian? Ages between 18-12. [more inside]
posted by neworder7 around Sydney, Australia at 1:34 AM - 17 answers

January 2, 2010

Quiet Sydney city dwelling wanted!

SydneyFilter: I am looking for a location that's suitable for me to live. My first priority is quiet serenity and not so far away from the city (20 mins bus trip at most) [more inside]
posted by neworder7 around Sydney, Australia at 6:18 PM - 12 answers