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Questions About Argentina
Displaying 1 through 20 of 55. Subscribe: Ask MetaFitler Questions Around Argentina

June 19

Buenos Aires tips and questions

Wow. B.A. hasn't had a tourist-related question in a while, and same for Argentina as a whole. So here we go. I have questions about paying for things, and then general advice seeking for things that aren't the standard fair as I am going to get all of that anyway. [more inside]
posted by Snowishberlin around Buenos Aires, Argentina at 2:15 PM - 5 answers

November 26, 2019

Tunes to Buenos Aires

What are normal non-commercial import duties in Argentina? [more inside]
posted by j_curiouser around Buenos Aires, Argentina at 1:36 PM - 6 answers has best

August 17, 2019

Argentina by bus

Help me plan a trip through Argentina by bus! [more inside]
posted by Sheydem-tants around Argentina at 4:29 AM - 3 answers

April 27, 2019

Advice for Buenos Aires?

I'll be in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from May 15-June 15. I speak passable but not fully fluent Spanish and am most interested in experiences involving plants, animals, art, and vegetarian food, but am also interested in culturally significant experiences and fun activities. I also like to shop at flea markets and artist fairs for transportable-scale gifts and souvenir decor. Recommendations? Advice? [more inside]
posted by vegartanipla around Buenos Aires, Argentina at 6:32 PM - 10 answers

November 14, 2018

Moving from the US to Argentina

I will be moving from the mid-Atlantic US to Buenos Aires in June/July 2019. I'd love to hear your advice, both general and specific! [more inside]
posted by smorgasbord around Buenos Aires, Argentina at 3:01 PM - 3 answers has best

November 12, 2018

Late notice Buenos Aires tours?

I'm taking all of December off, and one of the things I'd like to do is travel a bit. After some deliberation I think I'm interested in a trip to Buenos Aires. I'm looking for any specific recommendations for reputable and enjoyable tour groups/companies. I'm 40, non-spanish speaking, and would be travelling alone.
posted by dmd around Buenos Aires, Argentina at 9:41 AM - 3 answers

November 26, 2017

Getting from Cordoba, Argentina to Quebrada del Condorito National Park

My partner and I are planning a trip to Argentina in late December to early January. One of the main things we really want to do is visit Quebrada del Condorito National Park near Cordoba, Argentina for a day hike. We plan to stay somewhere in Cordoba and are trying to figure out how to get from point A (Cordoba) to point B (Quebrada del Condorito National Park), preferably via public transit. Details below. [more inside]
posted by firemonkey around Argentina at 6:22 PM - 3 answers

June 18, 2017

Two days in Iguazu Falls--lodging on Brazilian or Argentinian side?

I'm nailing down the details of a trip to Brazil and Argentina in July. We'll be flying from Buenos Aires to Puerto Iguazu, have 2 nights/days, then flying out of Foz de Iguazu airport to Sao Paulo. I understand that you get a somewhat different experience from each side in terms of the falls themselves, and with two days we can certainly arrange to do both. I am wondering if there is any advantage to staying in the Brazilian or Argentinian side in terms of lodging? [more inside]
posted by drlith around Argentina at 1:05 PM - 6 answers

November 18, 2016

Seeing the best of Buenos Aires?

My wife, my parents and I will be taking a 6-day trip to Buenos Aires in late November. What should we not miss? [more inside]
posted by Bromius around Buenos Aires, Argentina at 11:32 AM - 8 answers

April 19, 2016

You got me there, now help me decide what to do!

What should two awesome ladies do with a week in Buenos Aires? [more inside]
posted by chainsofreedom around Buenos Aires, Argentina at 9:51 AM - 3 answers has best

December 11, 2015

Picture me, in Buenos Aires... eating where?

I'm going to be in Buenos Aires for one night only, and I need suggestions for where to eat. [more inside]
posted by FavourableChicken around Buenos Aires, Argentina at 10:31 AM - 7 answers

March 21, 2015

Need help purchasing opera tickets for a performance at the Teatro Colon

Me and my husband are going to Argentina for a vacation in June. We really wanted to see an opera at the Teatro Colon on June 16 called Quartett, but we're having a hard time figuring out how to purchase tickets. [more inside]
posted by firemonkey around Buenos Aires, Argentina at 1:11 PM - 8 answers

December 20, 2013

Unguided trekking in Tierra Del Fuego - Bad idea?

I'm going to Tierra Del Fuego soon, and I am considering going on a four to five day unguided trek... [more inside]
posted by MeanwhileBackAtTheRanch around Argentina at 7:24 PM - 4 answers has best

October 1, 2013

Argentina in 2 weeks - where to go and what to do?

I'm going to Argentina for 16 days in November, starting in Buenos Aires and ending in Ushuaia, where I'll be getting on a boat to the Antarctic. But Argentina is massive, and I'm bewildered by the choice and distance. Can the hive mind help me work out an itinerary? [more inside]
posted by His thoughts were red thoughts around Argentina at 1:26 AM - 6 answers has best

September 19, 2013

Advice on really appreciating/taking advantage of living abroad?

How I can make the most out of a few months living in a foreign country? If you've spent time living abroad, what kinds of things were you most glad you did (and/or most regret not doing)?  What helped you feel like you were really experiencing/appreciating a different culture?  (Definitely interested in general advice, but FYI I'm in Buenos Aires if you have specific thoughts.) [more inside]
posted by EmilyClimbs around Buenos Aires, Argentina at 8:23 AM - 10 answers has best

August 29, 2013

Ushuaia vs. Iguazu Falls?

My wife & I will be in Buenos Aires for two weeks in November for a 10th anniversary trip. I initially wanted to take a side trip to Ushuaia while we're there to kayak on the Beagle Channel, hike and view the beautiful scenery of Tierra del Fuego, maybe see a penguin or two, etc. However, the flights are pretty pricey, and it seems a bit extravagant to spend all that money for a couple of days' worth of adventure. Another nature encounter that was recommended was to hike the falls at Iguazu National Park. The flights to that area are cheaper, it's closer, and we could do it in a couple of days, so we wouldn't lose as much time exploring Buenos Airies to take this side trip. So, for those of you who have been, is it worth it to trek all the way down to Ushuaia, or should we do the cheaper, closer option of Iguazu, which we've also heard is very impressive?
posted by ericbop around Argentina at 8:13 PM - 14 answers has best

May 6, 2013

Hotel recommendations in Buenos Aires

I will be visiting Buenos Aires on holiday this November, and would like your recommendations on hotels. [more inside]
posted by Jakey around Buenos Aires, Argentina at 9:05 AM - 9 answers has best

March 3, 2013

Iguazu National Park

On our trip to South America, we will be spending 2.5 days in Iguazu, Argentina, and would appreciate any ideas as to things we should see. Is it worth the extra cost to go to the Brazilian side? Thanks!
posted by graventy around Argentina at 7:22 PM - 8 answers

February 17, 2013

Hiking and trip advice for Argentina

We will be spending 3 days in El Chalten and 3 days in El Calafate, Argentina in March. What hikes and tours would be most recommended or must sees? [more inside]
posted by graventy around Argentina at 4:48 PM - 6 answers has best

February 16, 2013

Hitchhiking through Argentina

I'm in Santa Fe, Argentina. My girlfriend and I are planning to leave tomorrow afternoon to hitchhike toward Mendoza. Neither of us has ever hitchhiked before, our Spanish is fine but not ideal (we've been in Argentina and Uruguay for a few weeks and have been getting along fine, but no one would mistake us for native speakers), and we are both fairly nonthreatening white Americans in our 20s. [more inside]
posted by cheerwine around Argentina at 12:53 PM - 4 answers