Can you help me find office space for a non-profit in NYC?
August 7, 2008 10:08 AM   Subscribe

Can you help me find office space for a non-profit in NYC?

A friend of mine started an NGO in SF in 2004. A year ago they expanded to NYC but have been using donated office space and will need to find a new home starting September 1st of this year.

They are: an arts and education non-profit that facilitates global education through youth programs, development of curriculum for high school teachers, and the creation of a publication about global issues.

They are looking for: someplace fairly convenient to Brooklyn and/or Manhattan and subways, 400-1000 sq ft of office space for 2-3 employees (preferably with some room to grow). Ideally they would have access to shared conference room, color printer/ copy machine, kitchenette, wireless, phones. Their budget is $1300 or less per month. (Bonus points for a window or two...only in NY is this perceived to a be a "luxury item.")

Anyone know of:
(1) something specific,
(2) know of another organization that is looking to share space, or
(3) know of resources for such requests in the city?

I saw this but I think the nonprofit status adds a different element since I imagine there could be organizations that deal specifically with this sort of thing.
posted by jasbet07 to Grab Bag (4 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
We've had luck with Tech Space (although no window- good luck with that! Sad to say that that is a luxury).
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 10:39 AM on August 7, 2008 [1 favorite]

Possible places:

303 Fifth Avenue. Go to the second floor and speak with the building manager. Ask him if he has any small office spaces.

38 West 32nd Street. Maybe a tenant moving out with the space you're talking about?

Ask Housing Conservation Coordinators. Pat Hooper might be able to help you. pHooper [at] hcc-nyc [dot] org

New York Spaces on an hourly basis as a temporary measure.
posted by nickyskye at 6:05 PM on August 7, 2008

These guys may be worth checking out. Sunshine Suites.
posted by dudeman at 7:42 PM on August 8, 2008 [1 favorite]

Two spaces available now at 38 West 32 St. NYC 10001

450 sq ft for $1500 a month

600 sq feet for $2000 a month

Call 646-243-7234 ask for Scott.
posted by nickyskye at 12:17 PM on August 13, 2008

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