Need advice on what kind of dental work I need, and where to find it.
June 20, 2008 5:32 PM   Subscribe

Help me find a Vancouver area dentist that can fix my front teeth.

My front teeth are chipped, which causes extra S sounds in my speech and I hate it, and I hate how it feels on my tongue, and I hate how it looks. I think 7 of the 8 have chips in them. Yuck. Oh, and my teeth are very small, and so are the chips, so I've been told the small areas can't be fixed individually as the fixes would just come off pretty soon.

What procedures are good for this type of problem and who is good at it and good value here in the Vancouver area? I'd be into going to another country as is mentioned in other threads, but again I need some idea of what treatments I'm looking at. (I need other stuff done, too, which would make a trip even more worthwhile.)
posted by Listener to Health & Fitness (2 answers total)
Best answer: I go to Dr. Ivor Levin and he's absolutely awesome. My insurance pays for most of it and my fiancée's covers the rest, so I don't know what it looks like in terms of cost. But in terms of quality, I have never been to a better dentist.
posted by Nelsormensch at 11:03 PM on June 20, 2008

Response by poster: My previous dentist when I asked about this talked about some kind of veneers that involve wearing something like a brace for 6 months. Seemed like overkill to me. I don't need to straighten everything or make them all symmetrical. I guess I phrased the question badly by putting the geographical limiter so high up, excluding people who might be willing to answer the other part. It's hard getting the answer from a dentist, as they seem to want to sell you on whatever is their latest thing, which is the answer to everything they see, but might not be the best option from my point of view.
posted by Listener at 10:27 AM on June 21, 2008

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