Any companies that hire PC technicians as work-at-home phone customer service technicians?
June 1, 2008 9:47 AM   Subscribe

Any companies that hire PC technicians as work-at-home phone customer service technicians?

Howdy all. I currently run my own small computer repair business, but am looking for extra, steady income. I'm almost positive that there are companies out there that need PC technicians to take phone calls at home to help customers with their technical needs, but have found mostly a big fat zero when looking at online job websites.

Basically, I'm very fluent (over 7 years experience) in spyware/virus removal, networking and general troubleshooting with either Windows or Mac.

Of note, of the websites that I have viewed that are looking for something like this, I meet their following requirements:

-High speed internet
-Dial-up telephone service (to take calls)
-Computer (obviously)
-Ability to work at different times of the day

Let's see what the hive comes up with. :)
posted by philbobilbo to Work & Money (3 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite allows you to work at home and they may have clients that trouble shoot certain things you would be able to handle.
posted by Rolandkorn at 10:27 AM on June 1, 2008

You'll have more options available to you if you can add some software specialties to that list; I know Six Apart's support staff are almost all work-from-home, but you need to know your way around their Movable Type software. Generic PC support (aka Dell, Gateway, etc) is almost all outsourced to huge call centers these days.
posted by bizwank at 10:44 AM on June 1, 2008

We do.
posted by tcv at 11:31 AM on June 2, 2008

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