Selling Tattoo Flash
July 22, 2004 6:14 PM   Subscribe

How does one go about selling Tattoo Flash? I've been told many times that I should look into selling my art for tattoos. There are some web sites, but all seem to state that most shops don't get their flash from the net. Where then, do I go to sell my work?
posted by quibx to Work & Money (3 answers total)
I was an apprentice at a tattoo shop for a bit — that being said, I would recommend visiting your local Tattoo Convention with examples of your work. From there: hopefully you can build clientele and a reputation.

Good luck, there certainly is a need for a larger quantity of talented flash artists.
posted by tenseone at 7:09 PM on July 22, 2004

from a non-mefier -- hey, buddy of bob's here.

i used to do flash submissions for magazines and that's honestly the best way to go about it. go and pick up a bunch of tattoo mags and you'll find that they all have a flash section. specifically, the best magazine is Flash Tattoo Magazine. just mail it to them and they'll either except it or decline.

you'll usually get paid around $150 -$200 (it's been a while i don't know what they pay these days) for a full page, and a quarter to a third of that for just showing your image on page with other artist's art.

you probably won't be able to go over to your local shop and sell it there, since most shops to work in-store for their flash. it makes sense, really; they show the flash they're capable of rendering. either way, good luck to you. it's not the best field to go in to, i can assure you that. but it's not the worst. if you've the talent, i'd recommend taking your portfolio to a local magazine (for example: in dallas we have the dallas observer, a local hip and trendy music "against the grain magazine" and they pay quite well for cover art and the like.) yeah - this is too long, good luck.
posted by bob sarabia at 11:34 PM on July 22, 2004

Response by poster: Wow, thanks. Never thought of the magazine route. I'll have to go pickl one up!
posted by quibx at 4:52 PM on July 23, 2004

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