How to get Kindle books into Amazon Kindle while outside United States?
April 12, 2008 6:28 AM   Subscribe

Can I get Amazon Kindle books into my Kindle even while I am not in the United States?

My friend gave a wonderful gift which is Amazon Kindle. If I want to order kindle-version book from amazon, can I still get it even when I am outside the united states?
I heard they send the order in wireless manner, but is it possible I can just download the book through USB from Amazon website even when I don't have Amazon Wireless connection? If not, what is the best way to buy and get Kindle books in my Kindle while I am outside of United States?
posted by omaralarifi to Computers & Internet (2 answers total)
From the mobileread Kindle FAQ:

Q: When is the Kindle going to be available elsewhere in the world? If I buy one in the US, can I use it when traveling abroad?

A: Currently, Kindle is only available in the US. Whispernet wireless delivery is also only available in the US (see a coverage map here: But Kindle can also be used without activating the wireless feature while you are traveling outside the US or wireless service area. All content you purchase from the Kindle Store is saved to Your Media Library on This allows you to download your books, newspapers and magazines to your computer and transfer items via Kindle's USB connection.

Also, a good resource:

The Mobileread Kindle forums.
posted by sharkfu at 6:36 AM on April 12, 2008

Best answer: If you have a US credit card you can still order Kindle books. If you don't I'm afraid you're out of luck. After that they're saved to your Amazon Kindle library online and you can download them and transfer them via USB cable.
posted by peacheater at 8:24 AM on April 12, 2008

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