In need of a shrink
March 27, 2008 9:23 AM   Subscribe

Does anyone have any experience in getting diagnosed and possibly treated for ADD or AD/HD in the Austin, Texas area?

Thanks to my previous question, I am a little better equipped to get help for what I feel is an attention problem of some kind. Driven to Distraction nearly knocked me on the floor. It was like he was writing about me, so I have decided to get help from someone who specializes in this field instead of a more general psychiatrist like the one I was seeing. The problem I am having is that I cannot seem to find a doctor in my area that has a lot of experience in this. The Apacenter looks promising but they seem to specialize more in children, and the staff is comprised of psychologists, not psychiatrists. The LDA, as listed in the previously mentioned book, does not seem to exist anymore. Chadd doesn't list any psychs at all. Maybe I being too picky, but my Google-fu is a little weak too. Any experience with this condition in this area would be appreciated.
posted by Brandon1600 to Health & Fitness (2 answers total)
If you want to be officially diagnosed:

William A Dailey, Ph.D.

711 West 38th St. Suite D-3

Regardless, after being diagnosed he'll be able to help you find the exact type of services that you're looking for.

I sincerely recommend not relying on your self diagnosis. I'm not saying there might not be something wrong, but that it might just be something else, or it could be in addition to ADD.

Good luck
posted by JakeLL at 9:45 AM on March 27, 2008

Agreed with JakeLL. I'm in the College Station area, and there's plenty of resources here ... I actually had my General Practitioner refer me to a neuropsychologist and a psychiatrist when I started having issues. At first we were medicating me for ADD, but we pretty quickly found that it wasn't enough -- I had ADD because I was depressed and trying to get away from the situations I was depressed about (mainly work, and life in general) ... which gave my behaviour a distinctly "Ooh, shiny!" patina.

A good neuropsych will help you drill through to the core of the issue and get a proper diagnosis.
posted by SpecialK at 10:03 AM on March 27, 2008

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