Looking for good optometrist for astigmatism contacts in New York, NY
March 26, 2008 11:16 AM   Subscribe

Looking for good optometrist for astigmatism contacts in New York, NY

I have difficult-to-prescribe-for astigmatisms in both eyes, and am looking for an optometrist who is patient and an expert in toric lenses. I'm willing to go with someone pricier, if I end up actually being about to see with the contact lenses I'm prescribed. :-)

Manhattan or Brooklyn preferred.
posted by randomdeanna to Health & Fitness (2 answers total)
Westway Vision in Hell's Kitchen. Dr. Henry Tanzil is the optometrist, and though I do not specifically have an astigmatism, I have a serious eye disease in my family, and I trust his judgment. You said you have contacts, but if you needed glasses, they have the BEST frames. And Fran, one of the opticians, is simply amazing at assisting with difficult fashion decisions.
posted by anthropoid at 8:10 PM on March 26, 2008

Response by poster: Thanks for the suggestions. I ended up at Brooklyn EyeWorks and have been thrilled so far. Awesome doctor, fun staff, and bonus is that the doctor blogs... and loaded me up with super nerdy eye info and trivia. Highly recommended!
posted by randomdeanna at 8:16 PM on April 4, 2008

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