Minneapolis Airport Parking
July 14, 2004 12:39 PM   Subscribe

Where can I find information on long-term parking around the Humphrey terminal at the Minneapolis/St Paul airport?
posted by punishinglemur to Travel & Transportation around Minneapolis, MN (3 answers total)
some quick results from google. It's a much easier and cheaper task around Humphrey than the main terminal. Is it not possible to take the airport shuttle, a city bus, or a ride from a friend into the airport? That's always the best sort of long-term parking...
posted by whatzit at 1:26 PM on July 14, 2004

Roundtrip cab ride to the airport is about $60 from downtown and longterm parking can easily push that much. Where in the metro do you live?
posted by nathan_teske at 2:55 PM on July 14, 2004

Park-n-Fly, Park-n-Go, and a couple others are right across 494 from the Humphrey Terminal. Not sure how their prices stack up against HHH's own long-term parking. Park-n-Fly does have sheltered ramp parking if you're paranoid about summer hailstorms while you're gone.

Of course, wait till December, and you can ride Hiawatha Light Rail.
posted by gimonca at 9:05 PM on July 14, 2004

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