Like a watercolor postcard, but neither watercolor nor postcard
December 22, 2007 2:02 AM   Subscribe

In tourist shops there are sometimes prints of watercolor or color pencil drawings of the city. The prints usually come in a bunch of sizes from postcard to 8x10. They cost a few dollars each. I'd like to purchase a bunch of these, but I can't find any online. They're out there, but my Google-Fu isn't finding them. I keep getting stymied at art supply shops and gallery pages. Can anyone find an online vendor for these? Thanks!
posted by 26.2 to Shopping (4 answers total)
Do you mean random cities or a particular one?
posted by loiseau at 2:38 AM on December 22, 2007

When I was in Asheville, North Carolina, the Chamber of Commerce had a building right downtown near where we'd had lunch, so we stopped in. They had an area full of gifts and souvenirs for sale, including watercolor prints and postcards like you described (I remember because I bought a beautiful large cityscape). Maybe the Chamber of Commerce for whatever area you're interested in would be a place to start.
posted by Oriole Adams at 7:02 AM on December 22, 2007

Response by poster: Loiseau, I'd like to get them from a bunch of specific cities and places: London, Dublin, Paris, Edinburgh, San Francisco, San Diego, Reykjavik, Toronto, Yosemite, Cabo San Lucas.

I'm pretty sure there's a manufacturer who makes all of them. I'd like to cherry pick a few.
posted by 26.2 at 7:09 AM on December 22, 2007

Let us know if you find somewhere to get these. I'd like to get my hands on some of these, too.
posted by the christopher hundreds at 8:14 PM on December 22, 2007

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