Can you recommend an accountant in Austin?
December 11, 2007 9:44 AM   Subscribe

Can you recommend an accountant in Austin?

I'm looking for a good accountant for my small software development LLC.
posted by medpt to Work & Money (2 answers total)
Did you have an attorney's help forming the LLC? If so, I'd ask him/her -- they usually know a couple of good accountants who are knowledgeable about LLCs, and/or the accountant they themselves use.
I know my boss has someone she recommends to her clients -- mefimail me if you'd like me to get the name for you.
posted by katemonster at 10:55 AM on December 11, 2007

My wife's a CPA in MD., and they have a statewide organization that does referrals for their members. Might I suggest that Texas has an equivalent organization?
posted by Fferret at 11:33 AM on December 11, 2007

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