Thanksgiving at a Des Moines Restaurant?
November 17, 2007 6:17 AM   Subscribe

Restaurants/venues for Thanksgiving dinner in Des Moines?

We're going to be traveling up to Des Moines for the Thanksgiving holiday, but we don't know yet if the people who we'll be doing dinner with will be able to host. If not, we're still planning to go, but we'll need a last-minute alternative for dinner.

We've researched which restaurants/venues will be open and serving Thanksgiving dinner that day. We know that Cracker Barrel serves on Thanksgiving, but there's only 1 Cracker Barrel in the DM Metro area and it might be booked. Are there any other alternatives locally?
posted by Gingercat to Food & Drink (4 answers total)
Not too 'local', but...If I got anywhere close to Des Moines, I would definitely make the trip to eat at The Colony Inn located in Amana. It would be a much better meal than any Cracker Barrel, I can guarantee that.
I'd strongly advise getting reservations if they do them. I remember having to wait quite a while almost every time we ate there when I was younger.

It's a little drive from DM, but it's I-80 for 85% of it.
posted by whoda at 7:12 AM on November 17, 2007

Ha! One of those awful childhood memories about the Colony Inn just blindsided me like a bus! Don't order the chicken.
posted by cometwendy at 8:22 AM on November 17, 2007

The Amana Colonies is almost a two hour drive from Des Moines. You may want to try ordering food from the Iowa Machine Shed near Living History Farms. That way you definitely have the food and can take it anywhere you please. If you do decide to go to the Amana Colonies, you can also try the Ox Yoke Inn. I have been going to the original Machine Shed since I was a little girl and I think their food would make a great Thanksgiving meal.
posted by Foam Pants at 11:27 PM on November 17, 2007

seconding The Machine Shed. Every time I drive through Iowa I try to eat there. It really is great food.
posted by DJWeezy at 11:09 AM on November 18, 2007

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