November 10, 2007 7:12 PM   Subscribe

I am trying to install TYPOlight to try some things out, but I can't get it to work!

I am using Yahoo! Small Business web hosting, which seems to support PHP, but I don't know much about it. I am using WS_FTP LE to upload files to my site. I have downloaded the TYPOlight package, unzipped it, and uploaded it to my site. All files seem to have transferred without incident. The install instructions for TYPOlight instruct me to open the file on my site, in the directory typolight which I uploaded, called install.php and log in. The file is there, but when I open it on my site, nothing happens. It opens a blank page with no source code at all. But when I view the file offline, there is a long PHP page. I tried changing the settings in WS_FTP to upload both as binary and ASCII, but it makes no difference. If this makes sense to anyone, please advise me. If you have any suggestions about other ways I might approach this task (freely) I would love to hear them. I think I might be going about this the hard way. Thanks.
posted by waywardgirl to Computers & Internet (6 answers total)
I have never used this product but my first thought on reading your post is that you have no database. From the online install guide:

Now, set up a new database for your TYPOlight installation. The install tool itself is not able to create new databases since this feature is disabled on most shared hosting accounts anyway. TYPOlight uses the table prefix tl_, therefore it is possible to run TYPOlight parallel to other applications in the same table (not recommended).

I think TYPO support forum is the best place to ask for help if you need assistance with the database aspect if you are are committed to this product.

If not, maybe you could talk a bit about what your specifications for a CMS are and what you'll be using it for so people could suggest other systems with easier installs for you?
posted by DarlingBri at 8:14 PM on November 10, 2007

Response by poster: I have MySQL set up. I think the problem is with the FTP service I am using.
posted by waywardgirl at 8:24 PM on November 10, 2007

More likely you have a PHP error (which might be "can't see a database anywhere" or something else) and your host has error display turned off. Check your error log.
posted by genghis at 8:33 PM on November 10, 2007

Did you set the permissions for the file correctly?
posted by signal at 6:50 AM on November 11, 2007

Text files should always be uploaded in ascii mode. Binary is for graphics, executables, etc. As others pointed out, if you haven't set file permissions correctly the script won't run, the error log is likely a good source of information as to what's failing, and the support forum is probably the best place to get information regarding interpretation of the log.
posted by notashroom at 9:28 AM on November 11, 2007

Install it locally on your own machine using Xampp or something. It's likely that you haven't set up your MySQL parameters properly, and error logging is turned off on your host. If you do it locally with the same settings, at least you can find out what's not working.
posted by ReiToei at 9:58 AM on November 11, 2007

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